- The Washington Times - Monday, April 3, 2017

Juan Williams, the media pundit who was welcomed by Fox News after NPR tossed him for too-conservative views — and who’s since been a true-blue voice for the left — joined in the growing-in-popularity Democratic Party slam of Donald Trump and trotted out the “I-word,” impeachment, to crow yes, indeed, it sure does look like the president’s headed toward that fall.

Could the left please, please, please get it in their heads that prosecution generally follows crime — not precedes it? 

And that simply believing someone’s guilty of something is not, in fact, proof positive of guilt?

In a piece for The Hill, Williams penned this: “Liberal Democrats could yet see their dreams come true. Last week, a new poll from the liberal outfit Public Policy Polling asked Americans if President Trump should resign if evidence emerges that his campaign worked with Russia to help defeat Hillary Clinton. A majority, 53 percent, said he should resign. That is important because PPP also found that 44 percent of Americans already believe that Trump’s campaign did just that.”

Perception is not — Not, with a capital “N” — proof. It’s not guilt. It’s not even allegation. In this case, in this polling case, it’s just really what the guy next door thinks.

And to take a poll based on the what the guy next door thinks and turn it into a line of logic that says the president could soon be impeached is truly a stretch. And that’s an understatement.

Only the House can impeach — only the Senate, convict.

All this current talk about impeachment of Trump, whether it’s from Rep. Maxine Waters, who’s made it a personal goal of hers to boot the president from the White House, or most recently, from Williams, fact is there are no facts, no pieces of evidence and, most importantly, no charges to impeach Trump.

Impeachment, at this point, is a fantasy of the left.

A well-talked about fantasy, yes. But still a fantasy.

And honestly, the more the left talks about it, the more irrational they seem. It’s at the point now, put up or shut up — get the goods on Trump and go forward with formal impeachment proceedings or admit defeat on that point, recognize he’s the president, and realize no amount of wishful thinking is going to change that.

Williams wraps by saying: “It is no liberal fantasy to say the odds of a Trump resignation or impeachment before 2020 are looking better by the day.”

Yes. It. Is.

Utter and complete fantasy — let it go, left. Let it go.

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