- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 27, 2017

A professor at the University of Arizona, Kristin Gunckel, wants to bring “queer theory” to elementary school classrooms across America, teaching the youngest and most vulnerable of the country that LGBTQs are just as “normal” in their drives and desires as heterosexuals.

It’s a propaganda campaign aimed at tossing biblical values and morals not just from the classroom, but from American life — trying to train the next generation in the way to go.

Gunckel, predictably, characterizes her curriculum as expanding the mind.

“It challenges categorical thinking and specifically ams to disrupt the hetero/homo binary,” she wrote, in a recent lecture noted by Breitbart. “Queer theory examines how the social construction of sexuality is normalized so that heterosexuality is portrayed as the only normal and natural form of being human.”

She says this, too: “Queering science education means exploding binary gender and sexuality constructions, collapsing heteronormativity and opening spaces within science education for the marginalized identities.”

That’s a mouthful of intellectual horse crap, isn’t it?

So here’s all you need to know: All Gunckel is trying to do is turn wrong into right, abnormal into normal — evil into good. She’s trying to tear down the concept of family, as defined by God, and turn it into something that means nothing — something that can be shaped and molded to meet one’s own fleshly desires.

This isn’t just a class, or a curriculum. And it most certainly isn’t aimed at shining light into youthful minds, to help them grow and blossom into the next generation of well-educated, well-equipped leaders. It’s about breaking a moral code, upsetting a societal norm.

“Queering science education means making the invisible visible,” Gunckel wrote.

Yes — taking what should stay in the shadows and shoving it into the minds of the most malleable and innocent, in hopes of training them for a special interest activism that flips the definition of normal.

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