- Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Catholics for Choice full-page ad supporting taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, an organization which profits from killing the preborn and selling their organs, is misleading on several points (A5, April 26).

First, Catholics for Choice are Catholics in name only. The group is not associated with or sanctioned by the Catholic Church. Catholic bishops have made that clear on several occasions. It is basically an arm of the Democratic Party. Second, the ad reads, “Our organizations share a faith-centered commitment to the marginalized and most vulnerable of our society.” But there are none so marginalized or vulnerable as innocent, preborn babies.

Third, the ad claims these organizations support the “healthcare” provided by Planned Parenthood as “incredible” and “necessary.” But the health care provided by Planned Parenthood is not at all necessary, as there are many far better, more qualified health-care facilities than Planned Parenthood locations. These other centers provide many more women’s services, too, such as mammograms, ultrasounds and prenatal care, none of which Planned Parenthood provides.

The number of clients Planned Parenthood has seen in the past six years has decreased by 17 percent, and use of their health screenings has gone down enormously. Pap tests have declined by 77 percent, meaning the organization now does less than 1 percent of the Pap tests in the United States.

But the number of abortions Planned Parenthood does has increased by 27 percent, and government funding has increased by 100 percent to $553 million annually.

Planned Parenthood is an abortion organization masquerading as a health-care organization, lapping up our taxes to promote their primary purpose: killing the preborn. Just this week the Center for Medical Progress released another undercover video of Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the price of baby organs — eyes, livers, lungs, hearts, skin, arms, legs and more.

The congressional proposal that will soon be voted on would defund Planned Parenthood and fund other health-care providers instead. This would be a net gain for women’s health.


Silver Spring

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