- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Note to those who think judges are impartial, and the judicial system in America safe and sound from the dirty world of politicking: Not.

The federal judge — William Orrick — who just sided with the sanctuary city crowd and blocked President Donald Trump’s order to pull tax dollars from jurisdictions that insisted on breaking border laws happens to have a background that includes bundling donations for Barack Obama.

He’s not just an Obama fan, either. Orrick’s also raised campaign money for John Kerry during that Massachusetts senator’s 2004 try for the White House.

Isn’t this interesting.

So Orrick, on Tuesday, issued a ruling that said Trump’s try to strip funding from sanctuary cities could be unconstitutional, and that while the case goes forward in court — as it will, since the White House has already appealed — the administration cannot stop giving tax dollars to the law-breaking jurisdictions. OK; well and good. Honestly, since Orrick hails from the left-leaning state of California, the land of illegal lovers, it seems, we knew this ruling was coming.

But did we know all this about Orrick?

Orrick, according to an investigation from the Federalist conducted in July 2015, was not only nominated to his court position by Obama. He also served as a “major donor to and bundler for President Obama’s presidential campaign … [raising] at least $200,000 for Obama and [donating] $30,800 to committees supporting him,” the news outlet reported.

Hmm, that’s a curious act for a nonpartisan, nonbiased judge to make, isn’t it?

But wait. There’s more.

“Orrick, 63, also raised money for the failed presidential bid of then-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004,” Fox News reported.

And the list flushes out.

But calling Orrick partisan and biased?

Don’t do that; the left will come a’callin’ — and attackin’. When Trump in June of 2016 suggested a judge, U.S. District Court’s Gonzalo Curiel, who was overseeing the suit against Trump University, might not be the most unbiased of legal minds to hear the case, in part, because of his Mexican heritage, the left went nuts.

To put the matter in context: Trump, at the time, was campaigning heavily on a platform to build a wall between America and Mexico, something the Hispanic population found, shall we say, distasteful — and racist. And here comes the suit against Trump University, to be heard by a judge who was a member — and this is the part the media wanted to ignore — of the left-leaning La Raza Lawyers of San Diego.

Jake Tapper of CNN had a field day with Trump on the matter, asking in one interview about 20 different times and in various different ways: Are you sure, Mr. Trump, you’re not just racist?

Anyhow, here we are again with another judge of questionable background, from a left-leaning locale, making another decision that goes — surprise, surprise — against the Trump administration and in favor of the leftist open border people. And come to find out, this judge, Orrick, is a big Democratic supporter — a big Obama supporter — a big John Kerry supporter. The common denominator of those Orrick supported?

They all favor sanctuary cities.

Orrick, at least according to his campaign donation trail, would seem to bend that direction, too.

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