- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Democrats, standing firm with the party of lawlessness, have decided in Texas to oppose a proposed anti-sanctuary city bill by — sigh — staging a hunger strike.

They’re like Gandhi, only not. They fail to see how their hunger strike is a motivator for their legislative opposites. Let ’em starve. Less competition at the ballot box. More air for the rest of us.

But they’ve started their own hashtag, so there’s that.

Check out #FastAgainstSB4 if you have some time to kill. If not, here’s a summary of the tactics, as Breitbart noted: “One Texas Democrat said a communion wafer on Sunday was the last meal she is going to have until after Wednesday when the Texas House debates the bill.”

Who is this brave soul?

Rep. Victoria Neave. And in addition to kicking off her four-day fast, Neave is also encouraging her open border supporters to “wear black when you head to [Austin] on Wed. to #FillTheGallkery.”

Wow, two hashtags — not just one.

Of course, word’s spread among the leftist crowd to get in the dieting — er, protest and hunger strike — game and support Neave’s no-eat endeavor.

“We’ve gotten word from several people who will join @Victoria4Texas’ fast in solidarity,” tweeted the “Indivisible” movement of Texas, @IndvsbleTXLege. “Planning to #FastAgainstSB4? Tag us so we can RT.”

Now if only Democrats could find a legal cause to get behind so heatedly …

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