- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Well, well, well. Guess Barack Obama, who spent much of his eight years in the White House pointing critical fingers at Wall Street and Big Business, isn’t as adverse to the buck as he lets on.

The ex-prez is about to earn $400,000 to deliver a speech at a Wall Street conference being run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP — the same type of people Obama used to blast as “fat cats.”

Can’t count the number of times Obama blasted Wall Street for its greed — slammed Big Business for its salaries at the so-called expense of the little people. Fat cats, he called them — over and over, ad nauseum to the free-market, capitalistic crowd.

But now that he’s got a speaking gig with these undesirables that’s valued at $400,000? It’s goodbye, principles; hello, greenback.

How strange. Class, can we say hypocrite?

From Fox Business: “Obama has agreed to speak at Cantor’s health care conference in September and will be the keynote luncheon speaker for one day during the event, people at the firm tell Fox Business. These people say Obama has signed the contract, but the company, a mid-size New York-based investment bank, is waiting to coordinate with the former president before making a formal announcement.”

Probably trying to read the tea leaves when word leaks out about his speech, too. People don’t take kindly to politicians who sell out their principles for some quick bucks. And businesses, particularly wimpy when it comes to fielding public relations fire, have their reputations to protect.

It’s kind of ironic the conference is for the health industry — the same industry Obama decimated with his socialist and petulant demands that medical care be regarded as as a human right, freely given to every man, woman and child. Well, where’s the freebie now, Obama?

It should seem natural the president would want to provide his services for free to this health care industry — right?

But such is the way of socialists — do as I say, not as I do. And when conflicts arise, as they do in this situation, with the fat cats and the $400,000 health industry speech and all?

First, turn a blind eye. And then, the socialist logic goes, repeat step one: Do as I say and not as I do.

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