- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Heritage Foundation, one of the most influential think tanks in the U.S., was swarmed Tuesday by left-wing activists.

Protesters from People’s Action packed into The Heritage Foundation’s main lobby to shout grievances about President Trump’s budget, his plans to build a wall along the U.S. southern border, and other issues. They screamed “shut it down,” while refusing to offer a representative to speak with The Daily Signal, the conservative nonprofit’s media platform.

“Why is funding possibly going to border wall when our communities have no clean water? @realDonaldTrump @Heritage #WaterIsLife #RiseUp2017,” People’s Action tweeted with video of the protest.

“We want people to know that Donald Trump is not the one who wrote this budget. It’s these people [at Heritage]! Donald Trump is their puppet,” said one protester before being silenced by a minder.

The Heritage Foundation blasted the group once it was cleared from the area.

“We will not be bullied or silenced by staged protesters backed by progressive special interest groups connected to George Soros,” the nonprofit tweeted. “These groups do not represent the majority of Americans who demanded a return to fiscal discipline and an end to ballooning federal debt. If they were serious about reforming the way Washington works, they’d join us in fighting for an end to harmful special interest policies. Heritage will not back down.”

Billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations is known for funding liberal activist groups. National People’s Action, a legacy organization of People’s Action Institute, was one such beneficiary of his wealth.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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