- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Yes, this is probably the way to go — when criminals holding illegally owned firearms shoot and kill and pour blood into the city streets, the way to make the community safer is to rip guns out of the hands of legal and permitted owners.

That sounds about right. You go, Chicago.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, facing widespread condemnation from lawful city residents and outraged Americans, including the White House, over the near-nonstop gun-related bloodshed and murder rate in the city he leads, has come up with a plan — and like every good liberal, it’s one that makes no sense. He’s pushing for more gun control on federally licensed gun dealers.

Nearly 950 shooting victims in the city since the start of the year? Seven-hundred-and-sixty-two murders in 2016?

Stuff and nonsense. A few new rules and regs — that’s all that’s needed to curb the gang and drug violence on Chicago’s streets.

Emanuel says he’s trying to fight straw purchases — kind of like the ones made by the Barack Obama administration during its failed and fatal [for border agent Brian Terry, anyway] Fast and Furious gun-running scheme to send guns to Mexico and track who uses them. Right? Emanuel didn’t specify.

But truth be told, the state of Illinois already has pretty strict laws in place that bar the sales and purchases of firearms without proper documentation — and that includes sales and purchases made on behalf of someone who isn’t possessed of the same sort of documentation. In other words, the state already has a law that prevents legal buyer A from purchasing a firearm for illegal buyer-slash-owner B.

So why’s Emanuel making this proposal?

’Cause he loves gun control and hates guns — except for the guns carried by his many, many personal security guardsmen. For the rest of the city folk?

There are knives — and 911.

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