- The Washington Times - Sunday, April 23, 2017

Some programming of note: On Monday, the very astute Fox News host Tucker Carlson essentially makes his formal debut in the coveted 8 p.m. time slot previously occupied by Bill O’Reilly for two decades. The network says Mr. Carlson’s first guest is none other than “Olympic Gold Medalist and author” Caitlyn Jenner, who has remained outspoken on a variety of subjects following a very public debut as a transgender woman two years ago. The left-leaning news media was mesmerized, but they have an ongoing political challenge here. The former Bruce Jenner is also a Republican.

Fox News says that the guest “will include her perspective on President Donald Trump’s administration, the current political climate and divide in America, as well as her thoughts on how to bring Americans together.”

That can be a tricky narrative and subject to interpretation, of course. In a recent ABC News interview, the 67-year-old celebrity advised Mr. Trump that if he doesn’t give the LGBT community “equality and a fair shot — I’m coming after you.”

So we shall see. But wait. There is also a new book arriving Tuesday. The reality TV star has penned a memoir titled “The Secrets of My Life” — currently ranked No. 1 in the “rich and famous,” “transgender” and “sports and outdoors” categories at Amazon. A six-city book tour will follow.


President Trump’s critics squawk about many things, and purposefully cloud the public narrative with shrill melodrama and confusing half-truths. But such is the nature of the political marketplace — and it is indeed a marketplace with many salesman afoot. Which brings us to some clear poll findings about what Americans actually like about Mr. Trump.

“Voters are all for President Trump’s order to federal agencies this week to ’aggressively promote and use American-made goods and to ensure that American labor is hired to do the job,’ even though many suspect it will cost taxpayers more,” says a new Rasmussen Reports survey.

It finds that 72 percent of a thousand likely U.S. voters favor the order to the federal government to buy American and hire American. Just 15 percent are opposed.

And even in survey findings which reflect negative attitudes toward Mr. Trump, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that 73 percent of Americans approve the idea of White House pressure “on companies to keep jobs in the U.S.”

The message from Trump voters to the president in this particular poll are clear: 96 percent of them would vote for him again, a clear indicator that the powerful, 63-million member demographic has “no regrets.”


“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health. That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state,” said Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez in a new statement.

But NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd wanted to know if it was “absolutely possible” for one to be both a member of the Democratic Party and against abortion. So he asked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during her appearance on the show Sunday.

“Of course,” she replied.


Ohio Gov. John Kasich has all the hallmarks of someone gearing up for a presidential run, his second bid for the White House. He has a splashy and significant book arriving Tuesday titled “Two Paths: America Divided or United.” The author has already declared “Together, united, we can reclaim the America we love and hold so dear,” and promises to deliver a “powerful message of togetherness, a clarion call to reason and purpose and a clear path toward a more promising tomorrow.”

That surely sounds like a catchy campaign phrase.

On Monday, Mr. Kasich could expand on his idea during a CNN appearance. He appears on a live town hall complete with studio audience with prime-time host Anderson Cooper. The network says Mr. Kasich will weigh in on president Trump’s 100 days and his “hopes for the future.”

His hopes for the future may not include espousing a rigid loyalty to one political party, however.

“I think political parties are on their way out, essentially,” Mr. Kasich told CBS News in an interview Sunday. “I think people care less about party. They want action and things done.”


Former New York City mayor Michael T. Bloomberg — just “Mike” as he prefers to be called — is worth $45 billion, and ranks as the eighth richest man on the planet according to Forbes. But he’s also not running for anything.

Mr. Bloomberg came mighty close to a presidential run as an independent of sorts in 2016, prepared to drop $1 billion of his own money on the campaign, with retired admiral Mike Mullen as a running mate. But promising plans were as far as the team got.

“If I thought we could win, or had a reasonable chance, I would have done it. It would be totally unlikely, very unlikely that an independent could win,” Mr. Bloomberg tells CBS News “60 Minutes,” noting that his “pro-choice, pro-immigration beliefs” would not have attracted any Republicans while Democrats would have frowned on his insistence that teachers be evaluated.

“I’m 75 years old. It’d be an age issue, I suppose. I’ve got plenty of things to do. Maybe I’ll run for president of my block association, but not much more than that,” Mr. Bloomberg added.

And one other thing. Mr. Bloomberg knows his fellow billionaires, including conservative libertarians Charles and David H. Koch, liberal George Soros and of course President Trump. Mr. Bloomberg says the first three gents genuinely want “to change the world.” The former Big Apple mayor called Mr. Trump to congratulate him on his White House win; he says the president promptly gave him his private cellphone number. But there does not appear to be much affection there.

“I’m a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one,” Mr. Bloomberg says of Mr. Trump adding, “I hope he does a good job.”


41 percent of Americans say they are “concerned about the planet we are leaving behind for future generations.”

42 percent say they “personally care” about the future of the environment.

37 percent describe themselves as “environmentally conscious.”

25 percent say they are a conservationist, 23 percent say they are “green.”

21 percent describe themselves as an environmentalist.

Source: A Harris Poll of 2,319 U.S. adults conducted Jan. 24-Feb. 3 and released Friday.

Ballyhoo, assorted complaints to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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