- The Washington Times - Friday, April 21, 2017

A terror attack in Paris — now there’s a phrase we’ve been seeing quite a bit of in recent times — could be the final straw for France citizens, the one that drives Marine Le Pen across the finish line.

You know about Le Pen — she’s the presidential contender the left loves to hate. Why? Because, a la President Donald Trump, she favors a country with borders and a culture that’s not so decidedly anti-Paris.

ISIS just claimed responsibility for the terror shooting of three policemen — one, fatal — by a Muslim whom authorities say had tried to kill officers in 2001. And once again, we’re seeing a familiar scene in Paris: government officials are stepping forward to denounce the horrific act of terror. Then they’re turning right around and welcoming in refugees and migrants from mostly Muslim nations and patting themselves on the backs for their shows of diversity.

Well, this time, the timing may be too much for France voters to take.

The terror attack came at the very time the 11 presidential candidates were speaking in a televised debate to millions of listeners.

Now police are seeking a possible second suspect.

But whatever or whomever they find — it’s not a fix for what ails France in the terror department. Arrests, interrogations and investigations are short-term solutions What’s needed, and this is how Trump in part won his race, are politicians with boldness to shut borders.

Le Pen, leader of the National Front, has been sharply critical of the Islamization of France for months now. She’s been calling for a halt to immigration, a slow-down of refugees, and saying her reasons for such views are rooted in national security. And she’s been fielding massive fire for the views by the leftists and moderates who love to talk up security — but won’t act if it comes in conflict with open borders.

Friday, she called for France’s government to put up a border check system and boot out foreigners who are under government surveillance.

“My government of national unity will implement this policy, so that the Republic will live and that France will live,” Le Pen said, at an impromptu press gathering on Friday.

A few days ago — before the terror attack, the latest terror attack — Le Pen called for closed borders and said this: “Behind mass immigration, there is immigration.

And even The Washington Post, which couldn’t stomach the idea in its opening paragraph of a story on the ISIS-fueled attack of calling the terror spade a spade, but rather a “deadly shootout,” admitted — albeit reluctantly, way, way down in the bottom of the piece — Le Pen’s poll numbers probably just took an uptick.

Here’s how The Post opened its “Deadly Paris shooting could influence voters on eve of key French election,” on Friday: “A deadly shootout on the Champs Elysees, Paris’s most famous avenue, darkened the final day of campaigning in France’s pivotal presidential election on Friday, stoking fears of terrorist violence and causing candidates to suspend last-minute pitches before the Sunday vote.”

A “deadly shootout?” “Stoking fears of terrorist violence? Yes, that’s true — police did engage in a shootout with the suspect. He was a terrorist, who had just committed a terrorist attack. And likely, very likely, that’s why fears of terrorist violence were stoked — because a terrorist had just committed an act of terror.

That’s the mainstream media, though. Doing everything within its power to avoid using the “t” word, terrorism, particularly when it rightly belongs next to the “I” word, Islam.

Trump won his election based in part on his refusal to play that politically correct, leftist game — the one that’s called Turning a Blind Eye to Truth.

Le Pen has called for government policies that are similar to what Trump called for, and for similar reasons — and has suffered similar attacks from the left and from even conservatives who don’t like the idea of being labeled racist.

Trump won. And Le Pen? The Post, at the bottom of its piece, recognized “the [most recent] attack is expected to weigh heavily on voters’ minds,” while the independent candidate, likely realizing this, has already called for a suspension to all campaigning. Le Pen’s only behind in polls by the slimmest of margins right now. Let’s see if France voters go with common sense or political correctness. It’s obvious Le Pen’s correct on the need for border control and immigration clamp-downs. Hopefully, voters won’t fall prey to the lies of the left — the fate of the country, it seems, hangs by the most delicate of threads.

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