- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jessica Chastain, apparently a Hollywood actress who’s been nominated for an Oscar — though maybe she’s so-called “between films” right now and that’s why her name doesn’t ring a bell — is using her off-screen time to rally for women’s causes.

And like all good little leftists learn early on, the tag “Women’s Causes” means one of two things: A) Free birth control or B) Men Suck.

Chastain, we see, went with Option A this time around.

From Breitbart: “Chastain, one of Variety’s 2017 ’Power of Women New York’ honorees, told the entertainment industry publication that Planned Parenthood is ’where I got my birth control pills.That’s where I learned about sex education. It was a very important place to me.’ “

Who says that? Who says Planned Parenthood “was a very important place to me” during my youthful years?

Isn’t that kind of like announcing you put out?

Anyhow, moving on … again, from Breitbart: “The Oscar-nominated actress adds the women in her family all had children when they were teens themselves because of a lack of access to birth control pills.”

No, Ms. Chastain. The women in your family didn’t get pregnant because they didn’t have a pill. The women in your family got pregnant because they had sex.

And then Chastain is quoted as saying, “I’m the first woman in my family not to have a child as a teenager. I’m the first one to go to college. When my grandmother was younger, she didn’t have access to birth control or sex education. My mom, the same thing.”

As if sex was a survival need — like food or water.

But Chastain’s overriding message?

“I’m absolutely worried that if we don’t support Planned Parenthood and healthcare for women, we’ll head backward,” she said. “I guess I’m not surprised by the war on women’s healthcare. I think it’s something I’ve seen for the majority of my life.”

Oh rubbish.

How about this: Dear Jessica, pay for your own damn birth control — and while you’re at it, quit trying to make society as a whole pay for the consequences of personal sin.

Sex, by God’s design, is not recreational. It’s for procreation. So when pregnancy results — well, that’s called success in God’s eyes.

Yes, society’s changed and modern men and women scoff at that heavenly design. And America’s a free country — consenting adults can do as they want (and do, it seems). But blaming a pill for a consequence of an act — and in most cases, an act based on personal and individual choice — is a lie. And asking America to participate in that lie is just wrong, and an outrage.

Saying so is not a “war on women,” as Chastain and her leftist friends like to call it. It’s just truth, God’s honest truth. Remember, America: Lack of pills don’t cause unwanted pregnancies. Lack of honest teaching about the proper role of sex does.

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