- Thursday, April 13, 2017

This week the existential problems facing the European Union came into stark relief as Belgium threatened Poland and Hungary with legal action if they did not agree to commit cultural suicide by letting in hundreds of thousands of “refugees” from the Middle East. This comes on the heels of Facebook-livestreamed rapes in Sweden, truck attacks in France and other Western European capitals, and jihadist bombs targeting the buses of famous soccer teams in Germany.

This is not normal; it’s not acceptable; and the EU bureaucrats’ indignation is severely misplaced.

“If member-states do not increase their relocations soon, the Commission will not hesitate to make use of its powers for those which have not complied,” the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said in a statement aimed at Budapest, Warsaw and other restive East European capitals.

The EU’s eastern members are more conservative and more religious — Christian, that is — than the countries in the west, as “old Europe” sinks under the weight of secular progressivism. The easterners value their heritage and their culture. They don’t want thousands of mosques built while churches close. They don’t want the violence that is inherent with letting these migrants in. They don’t want the cost. They don’t want the terrorism.

This is not racist. It’s simple self-preservation. Nowhere in the annals of Western democracy does it say a nation must commit seppuku in order to meet some culturally Marxist ideal. It didn’t say that in the Magna Carta, the U.S. Constitution, or the foundation documents of the European Union.

If Brussels keeps pushing its ultimatum, the Union will break apart. This was one of the main reasons behind Brexit, but the globalists in Brussels, living in their guarded lakeside chalets, either don’t understand or they don’t care.

Yes, Russia is aiding and abetting the East Europeans’ resistance, perhaps hoping to help these former Soviet satellites see their way back to Moscow’s influence. However, the Kremlin is just jumping on the gift horse the European Union has given it. And why wouldn’t Russia do this? The West would do the same thing if given the chance.

The EU and Hungary are also at loggerheads over Budapest’s measures against a university opened by American liberal billionaire George Soros in Budapest after the fall of the Soviet Union. Mr. Soros has been active in undermining governments, pushing open borders and legalizing drug use across Eastern Europe. His large bank account has funded a plethora of NGOs and other entities pushing his agenda.

His influence extended to the Obama State Department, and U.S. diplomats were actively taking measures against certain governments and political parties in Eastern Europe that do not follow, or propagate, the progressive line. Governments in Albania and elsewhere are accused of turning a blind eye to the drug trade or worse, being complicit in pushing opioids and other drugs on their citizens. In essence, the U.S. government has been aiding and abetting the opioid epidemic in Europe, through its questionable decision to support Mr. Soros’ initiatives.

Anti-Russian hysteria has reached full force in the West, but what’s been overlooked how liberal globalists are using that hysteria to shirk accountability for their own actions and policies. Why take responsibility for the consequences of your agenda when you can yell, “The Russians are coming!”

There’s no excusing Russian interference in Western democratic institutions, but there’s also no way to justify the globalists refuse to acknowledge and refuse to correct the horror, terror and cultural dislocation they have put their populations through.

Russia doesn’t need to expend treasure to topple the European Union. The EU is doing a fine job all on its own.

L. Todd Wood is a former special operations helicopter pilot and Wall Street debt trader, and has contributed to Fox Business, The Moscow Times, National Review, the New York Post and many other publications. He can be reached through his website, LToddWood.com.

• L. Todd Wood can be reached at ltwood@123washingtontimes.com.

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