- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Oh, how nice, leave it to the intellectuals to once again, make lemons out of lemonade — freedom out of Communism.

MIT Press, that supposed bastion of scientific thought, the place where the brainiacs flock and fly — meaning, this wasn’t an “oops, my bad” moment — has just put out a new book aimed at the kiddie market. It’s called “Communism for Kids.” And it’s hitting the “best-seller” Amazon lists for the “communism and socialism” section — yes, that’s truly a section.

But what’s the sequel, you think — “Dictatorships for Dummies?”

Anyhow, the Amazon description reads thusly: “Once upon a time, people yearned to be free of the misery of capitalism.”

You had me at “free” — lost me at “misery of capitalism.”

But this book isn’t your regular red-minded, communist-loving, theory-driven drivel. Perish the thought. It’s a story book, filled with — again, hat tip Amazon — “jealous princesses, fancy swords, displaced peasants, mean bosses and tired workers — not to mention a Ouija board, a talking chair and a big pot called ’the state.’ “

Why before the kids even know it, they’re learning all about the “economic history of feudalism, class struggles in capitalism, different ideas of communism and more,” the description reads.

“Communism for Kids,” thy name is Christmas list.

The plot focuses on workers at two factories who must fight through a myriad of problems to save the business day. And their struggles are played out along the lines of the various economic systems.

Well, I don’t want to be the spoiler here — but guess which system, in the end, saves the worker day?

Reviewer Fredric Jameson, a professor who also serves as the director of the Institute for Critical Theory at Duke University, said “this delightful little book may be helpful in showing youngsters there are other forms of life and living than the one we currently ’enjoy,’ and even some adults might learn from it as well.”

Love how he puts “enjoy” in quotes — to underscore how Americans are really living duped lives, thinking their oh-so-dreary-and-depressing capitalistic society actually benefits rather than harms.

And about that author?

“Bini Adamscak,” the Amazon description continues, of the book’s creator, “[is] a Berlin-based social theorist and artist [who] writes on political theory, queer politics and the past [and] future of revolutions.”

All that, in a kiddie book. And for less than $12. My, propaganda and revisionist history is going cheap these days.

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