- The Washington Times - Friday, September 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has come under fire from college students for charging hundreds of dollars just to attend a “Conversation with Chelsea” event.

Penny-pinching students from Penn State University had little hope on Wednesday of engaging in a “conversation” with Mrs. Clinton’s daughter since attendance alone cost $500. A photo with the former secretary of state’s daughter could be obtained with $1,000 donation and access to a special reception required $2,700.

Progressive students interviewed by the Collegian, the school’s independent newspaper, were incredulous at prices for the State College, Pa., event.

“Although we certainly support Chelsea’s right to campaign on her mother’s behalf, we do not agree with Mrs. Clinton choosing to make this ’conversation’ available exclusively to individuals who can afford or are willing to pay at least $500,” said Ethan Paul, vice president of College Progressives of Penn State, the newspaper reported Wednesday. “It is particularly deplorable that a $2,700 donation—the legal limit—gets a personal conversation with Mrs. Clinton.”

“Putting such an expensive price on involvement in elections really hurts college students who already feel there is no point to politics,” added College Progressive Secretary Kathryn Van Develde.

Readers with the conservative website Heat Street, which first spotted the story, had plenty of advice for the young students.

“Dear Penn State Progs, Progressivism isn’t cheap,” said one reader on Friday.

“Too bad these little progressives don’t see the irony in paying the maximum amount allowed just for access. [The] apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess,” added another.

Mrs. Clinton made headlines in 2014 when it was revealed that she charged $300,000 for a speech at UCLA. A spokesman for the school said at the time that funding was supplied through a privately funded endowment.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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