- The Washington Times - Friday, September 9, 2016

Oh, how these politicians — and Hillary Clinton in particular — have such short memories.

On Thursday, Mrs. Clinton bashed Donald Trump for talking about his classified security briefing with NBC’s Matt Lauer during the commander-in-chief forum. Both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump are receiving these briefings as their party’s presidential nominees. Although Mr. Trump didn’t reveal any classified information, he did ding President Obama and Mrs. Clinton, saying it was his impression that they didn’t follow the advice of the U.S. intelligence community.

“I think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined,” Mrs. Clinton said on Thursday, regarding Mr. Trump’s comments on the briefings. “I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing I received.”

Yet, she has — when she was running for president in 2008.

A senator at the time, Mrs. Clinton said she requested and received a classified briefing from then President George W. Bush’s team at the Department of Defense, inquiring about U.S. withdrawal plans in Iraq.

“They didn’t want to talk to us about it, as is their usual response,” she said in a Feb. 25 speech. “We finally were able to secure a briefing which although classified, I can tell you was cursory. It did not inspire confidence in our readiness to do this important task of withdrawing our troops and equipment.”

Oh — so she basically did the same thing as Mr. Trump — used the briefing as a political tool to undermine her opponent.

I guess it was OK in 2008 when she did it, but now we should all be appalled at Mr. Trump. The double standard is insulting.

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