By Associated Press - Friday, September 30, 2016

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT):

8:30 p.m.

Donald Trump is out with a new ad starring his daughter, Ivanka, one of the GOP nominee’s most effective advocates.

The ad appears aimed at women and touts Trump’s recently announced proposals for childcare tax credits and paid maternity leave through unemployment insurance.

The mother of three and business executive says her father “understands the needs of a modern workforce” and supports policies that “allow women to support their families and further their careers.”

The ad comes as Trump risks damaging his already low standing with women following a week of sparring with a former Miss Universe winner who gained weight when Trump owned the pageant.


8 p.m.

The BuzzFeed website is reporting that Donald Trump made a cameo appearance in an explicit 2000 Playboy video.

In a short clip posted on the site, Trump is seen pouring a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limo on a New York street, surrounded by a gaggle of women.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said late Friday, “There’s been a lot of talk about sex tapes today and in a strange turn of events only one adult film has emerged today and its star is Donald Trump.” Merrill said he not seen the video.

Friday morning, Trump tweeted that former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, a Clinton supporter, was “disgusting.” He urged followers to check out her “sex tape” - apparently referring to footage from a Spanish reality show in 2005.


7:40 p.m.

A former lawyer for one-time Miss Universe Alicia Machado says she still faces the possibility of arrest in her native Venezuela as a result of alleged threats she made to a judge.

Ricardo Koesling tells The Associated Press, “The case remains in limbo,” though he considers the risk of arrest minimal.

Machado was accused in 1998 of driving the getaway car for her then-boyfriend after he shot at his brother-in-law in what prosecutors said was a failed murder attempt. Koesling said the case was dropped for lack of evidence. However, the judge in the case later accused Machado of making a death threat against him and his children.

The AP did not find any indication in court records that the judge filed a formal complaint against Machado.


7 p.m.

Donald Trump is once again questioning the integrity of the U.S. voting system, encouraging his supporters to visit polling locations on Election Day to make sure everything is “on the up and up.”

Trump tells his supporters at a Michigan rally to “go to your place and vote” and then “go pick some other place and go sit there with your friends and make sure it’s on the up and up.”

He’s claiming that voting fraud is “a big, big problem in this country” but “nobody has the guts to talk about it.”

Voting fraud is, in fact, very rare. But a Homeland Security Department official said Friday that hackers have targeted the voter registration systems of more than 20 states in recent months.

Trump says voter fraud “would be one hell of a way to lose.”


6:05 p.m.

Donald Trump is demanding President Barack Obama make a pledge not to pardon Hillary Clinton, who has not been charged with nor convicted of any kind of crime.

Speaking at a rally in Novi, Michigan, Trump says he is making “a demand” of Obama.

“Mr. President, will you pledge not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country and against society itself?” he asks.

Neither Clinton nor her allies have been charged with any crime related to her use of a private email system as secretary of state.

The FBI decided after a lengthy investigation not to recommend charges against her or her aides pertaining to their handling of classified information.


6 p.m.

Donald Trump is raising questions about his microphone problems during Monday’s debate with Hillary Clinton.

He notes that the Commission on Presidential Debates announced earlier Friday that there was an issue with Trump’s microphone. His audio was quieter at times than Clinton’s inside the debate hall.

He says, “Working that microphone was a hell of a lot more difficult than working Crooked Hillary Clinton.”

The Republican is also encouraging his supporters at a rally Friday evening in Michigan to ask why he had issues and Clinton did not.

He says: “I wonder why it was bad. Think of that.”


5:55 p.m.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is lying about her support for an international trade deal.

Trump said during a Friday evening rally in Michigan that Clinton once described the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership as “the gold standard” of trade deals when she was secretary of state. Clinton now says she opposes the deal.

Trump charges that countries that stand to benefit from the deal donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

The New York businessman says of Clinton, “If she gets the chance, she will put the Oval Office up for sale.”

Trump has faced questions about business practices at a foundation that bears his name.


5:45 p.m.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s doctor is calling the candidate “extremely physically fit.”

The former New Mexico governor is a triathlete and has climbed the highest peaks on all seven continents. He released a letter from his doctor Friday afternoon that says he has “extraordinarily good health” for a 63-year-old.

Health worries have dogged 68-year-old Hillary Clinton after she collapsed during a pneumonia spell earlier this month. Clinton supporters have also questioned the health of Donald Trump, who is 70.


4:45 p.m.

The nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates says there was indeed a problem with Donald Trump’s microphone during Monday night’s first general election debate.

The commission says on its website that “there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall.”

There was no noticeable issue with the sound on television.

The GOP nominee complained about his mic the morning after the debate, even suggesting he may have been sabotaged.

Rival Hillary Clinton had mocked the complaint, saying anybody who complains about a microphone “is not having a good night.”


4:30 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump’s flurry of late-night tweets targeting former Miss Universe Alicia Machado was “unhinged, even for him.”

At a rally Friday in Coral Springs, Florida, Clinton questioned what kind of person gets up at 3 a.m. to send angry tweets.

Trump tweeted in the early morning hours that Machado was “disgusting” and “a con” and encouraged Americans to “check out” her non-existent sex tape.

Trump has been targeting Machado since Clinton, at Monday’s debate, cited derogatory comments Trump had made about Machado after she gained weight. Clinton cited it as an example of his disrespect toward women.

Clinton says Trump’s “latest twitter meltdown is unhinged, even for him.” She says it underscores that Trump is “temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief.”


3:25 p.m.

Donald Trump is defending his early-morning tweets attempting to shame a former Miss Universe, saying it shows he’d be awake for a 3 a.m. call.

Trump tweeted that, “For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o’clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!”

A memorable Hillary Clinton ad in 2008 questioned whether then-rival Barack Obama was prepared to face emergencies. As a phone rang, the announcer said, “It’s 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?”

Trump has tried to use the ad against Clinton, accusing her of being asleep when late-night calls came in during the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. Clinton says she was awake all night after the attacks.


2:35 p.m.

Donald Trump says he has “big plans” for the final month of the campaign.

The Republican presidential nominee noted Friday that his campaign hasn’t spent much yet on television ads. He said he plans to put to good use the approximately $18 million he says he raised for his campaign and Republican partners on the day after Monday’s debate.

He said, “We have some big plans for the final month.”

Trump made the comments Friday during a brief appearance at the Kent County Republican headquarters.

He did not address his series of early-morning tweets in which he called a former Miss Universe “disgusting” and referred to her “sex tape.”


2:25 p.m.

Donald Trump’s campaign is defending his early-morning tweets shaming former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. It’s denouncing what it calls “the single-biggest coordinated media attack in history.”

Spokeswoman Jessica Ditto said via email that, “Of course Mr. Trump is going to defend himself” against what the campaign sees as a coordinated attack effort by the media and rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

At Monday’s presidential debate, Clinton cited disparaging remarks Trump had made about Machado as examples of the Republican nominee’s disrespect for women.

Trump took to Twitter overnight to accuse Clinton’s campaign of being “duped” by “a con” and encourage Americans to check out what he called Machado’s “sex tape.”

Ditto said she expects the campaign “to continue calling out examples of bias and defending ourselves as we deem necessary.”


2:05 p.m.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill says that Hillary Clinton called Alicia Machado on Friday to express gratitude to the former Miss Universe who has become caught up in the maelstrom of the presidential campaign

The Democratic presidential candidate’s call came after rival Donald Trump attacked Machado in early-morning tweets.

At Monday’s presidential debate, Clinton mentioned disparaging remarks Trump had made about Machado as examples of the Republican nominee’s disrespect for women. Trump has responded with attacks on Machado, including Friday’s tweets.

Clinton says she appreciated Machado’s courage through what she calls a “war of some pretty unpleasant words.”

Merrill says Machado promised to continue supporting Clinton and said she would stand up to the attacks.

The two women spoke for about five minutes,


2 p.m.

If newspaper endorsements equaled victory, Hillary Clinton would be in line for a historic landslide.

The Democratic presidential nominee has been endorsed by dozens of papers ranging from such expected backers as The New York Times to such once-certain Republican advocates such as The Dallas Morning News, the Arizona Republic and the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, is supported by far fewer publications.

But the endorsements may highlight more than editorial boards’ disdain for the Republican presidential nominee. They may also illustrate the decline in newspapers’ power to shape opinions and the strength of Trump’s anti-establishment appeal.

Readers may not let editorials tell them how to vote, but they care enough to respond. About a dozen people demonstrated outside the Dallas Morning News after it backed Clinton.


1:30 p.m.

Mike Pence says too much is made of Donald Trump’s tweets.

The Republican vice presidential nominee was speaking Friday in Fort Wayne, Indiana, hours after Trump unleashed a flurry of tweets shaming former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

The Indiana governor said Democrats and the media are to blame for focusing on “he said this, he tweeted that.”

At Monday’s presidential debate, Democrat Hillary Clinton mentioned disparaging remarks Trump had made about Machado as examples of his disrespect for women.

In one tweet Friday, Trump said: “Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”


1 p.m.

A new ad from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is seizing on recent comments his rival made questioning why she isn’t further ahead in the presidential race.

The ad uses footage of Hillary Clinton asking, “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead, you might ask?”

The ad then references FBI criticism of Clinton’s use of a private email system while she was secretary of state. It also mentions policies she supported that Trump argues allowed the Islamic State group’s reach to spread.

The campaign says the ad will air nationally as part of its ramped-up spending on television advertising.

Trump’s campaign has been dramatically outspent by Clinton’s when it comes to ads.


12:50 p.m.

Hillary Clinton is promoting her plans for enhancing public service opportunities.

In a speech in Fort Pierce, Florida Friday, Clinton laid out her proposals to increase national service. She wants to triple the size of the AmeriCorps program, grow the Peace Corps and create a new national service reserve program.

Clinton said she thinks America is strongest when people work together. She said Republican Donald Trump favors a “strongman approach.”

Under the new program, people would enroll, receive training and then state and local leaders could call on their help during in natural disasters or emergency situations. Clinton wants to sign up 5 million people, focusing on people under 30.

The speech is one of several positive policy addresses from Clinton as she tries to draw a contrast with Trump.


12 p.m.

The city of Phoenix is demanding that Donald Trump’s campaign stop using the image of Phoenix police officers in a campaign advertisement.

The city sent a cease-and-desist letter Thursday. It says the campaign violated federal and state law by using copyrighted material, including images of officers in uniform and at work.

The ad features images of uniformed officers greeting Trump and shaking his hand.

City Attorney Brad Holm said in the letter that the advertisement “unmistakably and wrongfully” suggests that Phoenix and its officers support Trump’s campaign.

The state’s campaign chairman, Phil Lovas, said he cannot comment on the letter because he has not seen it.


11:50 a.m.

The New York state attorney general is confirming that the Trump Foundation is not registered in New York as a charity to solicit donations.

But Attorney General Eric Schneiderman isn’t saying if Donald Trump’s foundation violated any laws.

The foundation is registered in the state as a charity. But state law requires a different registration for charities that solicit more than $25,000 a year from the public.

The registration issue was first reported by The Washington Post. The newspaper has also detailed foundation spending that personally benefited Trump.

Scheiderman, a Democrat whose office oversees New York charities, has been investigating the Trump foundation.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


11:40 a.m.

A spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton says neither the Democratic presidential nominee nor her campaign helped a former Miss Universe get U.S. citizenship.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri spoke to reporters Friday after Donald Trump unleashed a series of tweets criticizing Alicia Machado, the former beauty pageant winner. Trump also claimed Clinton had helped Machado get U.S. citizenship, but offered no proof.

Palmieri called on Trump to stop attacking Machado and apologize.

Machado has been in the spotlight since Monday night’s debate, when Clinton cited derogatory comments Trump had made about her as examples of the Republican’s disrespect for women.

Palmieri said Clinton will address Trump’s comments at an event in Florida later Friday


11:15 a.m.

Hillary Clinton is describing as “unhinged” a Donald Trump tweet attacking a former Miss Universe. She says his temperament is “dangerous for a president.”

She says Trump’s early-morning tweets accusing Alicia Machado of having a criminal record and a sex tape are “lies and conspiracy theories.”

The Democratic presidential candidate’s response to Trump came in her own series of tweets Friday.

She tweeted: “When something gets under Donald’s thin skin, he lashes out and can’t let go. This is dangerous for a president.”

Clinton has not mentioned Machado since the Monday night debate. That’s when she pointed to reports that Trump called the 1996 pageant winner “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping” as examples of his disrespect for women.


8:05 a.m.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says hackers are taking aim at state and local election officials, and that at least one recent attempt was successful.

Johnson tells MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday that “exactly who did it” remains under investigation. Last month, the FBI warned state elections officials to boost their election security after hackers targeted data systems in at least two states, Illinois and Arizona. Johnson did not identify a location in his remarks.

Johnson said local election officials should reach out to the federal government to learn how to protect computer systems. With thousands of vote counting systems, “there is no one single point of failure,” he said. But to prevent problems, he said, local officials should be vigilant.


7:45 a.m.

Hillary Clinton plans to call on young people to participate in national service.

The campaign says the Democratic presidential candidate will announce plans Friday for a new national program designed to help people under 30 engage in public service.

She’ll present her proposals in a speech Friday in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

It is the latest in a series of policy speeches designed to offer an affirmative message in the closing weeks of the presidential campaign. Clinton’s campaign is seeking to contrast her approach with what they call Republican Donald Trump’s “self-centered message.”


7:25 a.m.

Donald Trump is doubling down on his attacks on a former Miss Universe.

Trump unleashed a series of tweets early Friday saying that rival Hillary Clinton had shown bad judgment in using Alicia Machado “as a paragon of virtue.”

In one tweet, Trump said: “Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”

He offered no proof that Clinton had a role in Machado’s citizenship. The “sex tape” reference was apparently about risque footage circulating online of Machado from when she appeared on a Spanish reality show.

At Monday’s debate, Clinton cited Trump’s past references to Machado as “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping” as examples of Trump’s disrespectful comments about women.


3:15 a.m.

Donald Trump is warning voters that a Hillary Clinton victory would bring her husband’s sex scandal back to the White House.

Injecting Clinton’s marital troubles into the 2016 campaign is Trump’s latest effort to bounce back from Monday night’s widely panned debate performance. In contrast, Clinton has delivered a mostly positive message in the days since her debate performance re-energized her candidacy.

Clinton is stressing that her plans will solve the kind of kitchen-sink problems facing American families - the high cost of childcare, mounting student debt and unpaid family leave.

Trump is promising lower taxes and “jobs, jobs, jobs,” but he has also intensified the dire warnings and personal attacks that have defined his outsider presidential bid.

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