- Wednesday, September 21, 2016


By Michael Savage

Center Street/Hachette Book Group, $27, 288 pages

“Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama” by Michael Savage is just what you’d expect from the stalwart radio talk show host — a no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is recounting of leftist-controlled life under the Obama administration and warning of the potential dire decline of America if such administration policies continue under a Clinton presidency.

With his signature, accessible, conversational style, Mr. Savage eviscerates the left’s words and deeds that have enslaved and impoverished this nation over the past seven and one-half years.

Mr. Savage gives strong, reasoned support for Donald Trump and reminds the voting public that among so many negatives that surround Hillary Clinton, “it was Clinton’s Arab Spring that let religious rivalries flourish, starting a regional meltdown and the world’s refugee crisis.”

Mr. Savage, of course, doesn’t pull any punches with his observations. He warns that we are “fighting for our life and freedom. Where there’s one-man rule, there’s a chance for great corruption. Witness what Chairman O did with the Iran deal. The American people opposed it by a large majority. Only 20 percent supported giving Iran a path to nuclear weapons. Think about that. Where’s our representation? Congress opposed it, yet he used quasi-legal maneuvering to support Iran. If that’s not one-man rule, I’d like to know what is.”

After 35 years of experience in the environmental field, I can attest that with nuclear weapons in the hands of our avowed enemy, the nuking of an American city would cause a heck of a lot of ecological destruction — certainly the epitome of scorched earth.

Mr. Savage, like many of us older Americans, is “from a different time, a different generation. from an America that had problems, an America that knew its history, and an America that understood its present.” If enough of the younger generation don’t look up from their smart phones long enough to see the ensnaring socialist revolution that is presently overtaking them, or if they don’t begin to “question authority” in their leftist echo-chambered academic institutions, America “home of the free and the brave” is doomed.

There are signs of hope, however. Mr. Savage believes the “tide in this country is turning to conservatism, patriotism, and national security,” and proffers practical solutions to some of our biggest challenges, like the fight against ISIS via cyberwarfare. He notes that we still have “a sufficient number of patriots who want to serve, who want to become soldiers, who want to become SEALs. But we absolutely need mandatory cyberwarfare service, because we are losing that war. Like the war on the ground, that is something we cannot afford to do.”

In an example of the positive themes throughout this book — a book that assesses the present deplorable but redeemable state of America vis-a-vis the Obama administration — Savage recounts the history of Hanukkah that “after the ancient Syrians ransacked the holy temple, they were thrown out by the Maccabees, who were the warrior princes of their time. The Jews came back. They kicked out the ransackers. And as they were fixing up the old temple that had been ransacked, they found a small jug of holy oil for the menorah, or lamp, at the bottom of the rubble and lit it. The holy oil was supposed to burn for only one night, but miraculously, the story goes, it burned for eight nights, which is why Jews light candles for eight nights in a row.”

As bad as things are right now in the United States and across the globe, Mr. Savage encourages his readers with the fact that “[t]his year, 2016, the presidential election year, the first night of Hanukkah falls on December 24, Christmas Eve. If ever there were divine synchronicity, this is it. So what does this mean to you, running as you do so busily every day, trying to provide for yourself and your family? What this signifies for us as human beings is that no matter how distraught we may feel, no matter how wrecked we may believe our society is, there is always a small amount of holy oil left within all of us that can be reignited and carry us through the darkest hours.”

And to that I say, “Amen.”

Anthony J. Sadar is a certified consulting meteorologist and author of “In Global Warming We Trust: Too Big to Fail” (Stairway Press, 2016).

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