- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 15, 2016


This week Ivanka Trump returned to the campaign trail to help unveil her father’s childcare proposals. Her presence was flawless, and her speech heartfelt.

It is no wonder that Donald Trump listens to his daughter.

“She’s the one,” Mr. Trump said during his speech this week in Pennsylvania. “She is the one that has been pushing so hard for it.”

One thing is for certain: Ivanka Trump, while insisting that she is “not partisan” in her convention speech, is pushing some Republicans to rethink the issue and address the rising cost of childcare that ordinary American families face every day.

It’s a healthy discussion that the Republican Party needs to have. For too long, Republicans have surrendered the issue of family policy to the Democrats. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is advocating for 12 weeks of paid family leave for both mothers and fathers, which would be paid by tax hikes. Her position is extreme, expensive and unrealistic.

Mr. Trump, by contrast, proposes a tax deduction and six weeks of partial pay through the existing Unemployment Insurance system, fully paid for within the program, an approach that is being criticized by many conservatives.

Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin called Mr. Trump’s plan “just another entitlement” that would increase debt and expand government. But there is room for agreement on rewriting the tax code to allow working parents to deduct child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents. The proposal includes the creation of a “Dependent Care Savings Accounts” where parents — not the government — can decide how to use extra money for their child’s education or offset elderly care expenses. The savings account builds up through tax-deductible contributions and tax-free appreciation from year to year.

So before some conservatives throw the baby out with the bath water, they should try to find common ground with Mr. Trump on pro-family policies. Many social conservatives want to encourage married couples to have children, and it is becoming increasingly difficult if the couple feels strapped and concerned with being penalized by their employer for having children.

Therefore, it is critical for the Republican Party to find pro-family solutions based on real conservative principles. Through his proposal, Mr. Trump is attempting to find that delicate balance between supporting families and limiting federal government expansion. It might not be the perfect plan, especially for conservatives, but it’s a first step at a time when many families are paying more for childcare than for rent.

I am a working mom with five daughters, a small-business owner — and a conservative. I understand the stress of finding quality and affordable childcare while paying high taxes. I also understand that many working moms struggle to make ends meet and balance their family and work life. These moms are the hard-working Americans who want to keep their jobs but also do the best they can for their children.

This week Ivanka Trump spoke directly to us — the working moms and the stay-at-home moms. She spoke to the reality that exists for middle-class families who are dealing with rising childcare costs and their jobs. The tax deductions would provide relief for these families, and a savings account would give them the flexibility to meet the needs of their children and their elderly parents.

I understand the concerns of many conservatives about the prospect of an expensive new government entitlement. But for now, at least, Republicans are right to focus the debate on the best way to support American families.

Mercedes Schlapp is a Fox News contributor, co-founder of Cove Strategies and former White House director of specialty media under President George W. Bush.

• Mercedes Schlapp can be reached at mschlapp@123washingtontimes.com.

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