- The Washington Times - Sunday, October 9, 2016

The second-presidential debate was a pile-up on Donald Trump – right from the get-go.

The so-called town hall event was supposed to highlight questions from the audience, but nearly 30 minutes in, only one question had been asked by an audience member – with moderators Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz dominating the debate.

The first question went to Mrs. Clinton and was on whether the candidates thought of themselves as positive role models for our nation’s youth. It was a perfect set-up to dig into Mr. Trump’s lewd audio-tape comments.

After Mrs. Clinton said a bunch of nothingness like: That’s why the slogan of my campaign is stronger together because if we work together, if we overcome the divisiveness that sometimes sets Americans against one another and instead make big goals and I’ve set forth some big goals, getting the economy to work for everyone, not just those on top…” Mr. Cooper made sure Mr. Trump’s tape was the follow-up question.

“The question from Patrice was are you both modeling appropriate behaviors for today’s youth. We received a lot of questions about the tape released on Friday. You called what you said locker room banter – kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. That is sexual assault. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women.”

And then, we were officially off to the races.

Mr. Trump responded, and he was interrupted by Mr. Cooper four times. Then Mr. Cooper allowed Mrs. Clinton to respond where she said, predictably, she didn’t feel Mr. Trump was fit to serve as the president.

After Mrs. Clinton’s diatribe – of which Mr. Trump didn’t interrupt – he had to ask Mr. Cooper if he could defend himself. After he was allowed to do so, another question was lobbed at him from the moderators about “how the audio-tape is generating intense interest,” and if Mr. Trump indeed has changed.

Good grief.

After Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Trump was trying to divert attention from his own campaign, “the way it’s exploding and the way Republicans are leaving you,” Mr. Trump asked Mr. Cooper why more time hadn’t been spent on Mrs. Clinton’s email server.

“Nice, one on three,” he said, regarding the moderators and Mrs. Clinton’s teaming up against him.

He was right.

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