- The Washington Times - Monday, October 31, 2016

Donna Brazile, now the head of the Democratic National Committee, retweeted in July a Washington Post editorial board posting headlined: “Republicans are Damaging Rule of Law by Attacking FBI Director James Comey.”

The Washington Post – on July 7 – criticized the GOP’s “disheartening” attacks on Mr. Comey after his announcement he wouldn’t bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for setting up a home-brewed email server in her basement. The Post argued Republicans, not Mr. Comey are “doing damage..to the rule of law” by “cast[ing] baseless aspersions on U.S. law enforcement in the service of their partisan goals.”

Oh, how the tide has turned.

Democrats – including Mrs. Brazile – have turned sharply against Mr. Comey after he announced on Friday that the FBI would be reopening Mrs. Clinton’s server case after reportedly 650,000 emails were discovered on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

“11 days away from the election, [Comey] released a vague letter that immediately led to rampant speculation in the news media. This would be an irresponsible action at any time and, unsurprisingly, Donald Trump, and Republicans are rushing to politicize this episode without any of the facts,” Ms. Brazile said in a statement on Friday.

“The FBI has a solemn obligation to remain neutral in political matters – even the faintest appearance of using the agency’s power to influence our election is deeply troubling,” she added.

Nancy Pelosi (D, Calif), called Mr. Comey a “great man,” for his July decision not to indict Mrs. Clinton, but then reversed course after Friday’s news.

“The public interest would be served by the FBI providing the facts, rather than allowing Republicans to stoke innuendos and falsehoods 11 days away from a presidential election,” Mrs. Pelosi said in a statement.

Mrs. Clinton slammed the FBI director over the weekend, calling the timing of the probe “unprecedented,” and “deeply troubling.” Mrs. Clinton – who lied to the American public for a year about her personal server and whose campaign stonewalled investigators – demanded the agency put forth all their evidence as to provide full transparency to the American people. How rich. How ironic.

But perhaps, the sharpest turn came on the Washington Post’s editorial page on Monday.

“James Comey is damaging our democracy,” an editorial read.

Looks like the paper has come full-circle since July’s editorial criticizing Republicans for the same grievances.

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