- Associated Press - Monday, October 31, 2016

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions stopped in Nevada to campaign for Donald Trump, holding a brief rally at the Republican nominee’s Las Vegas headquarters and telling supporters that he thinks momentum in the close election is moving in Trump’s favor.

Sessions pointed to a new poll that puts Trump up four percentage points in Nevada, although the Real Clear Politics average of several polls from the last 10 days still shows Clinton with a narrow lead in the state. The Alabama lawmaker, who was the first sitting U.S. senator to endorse Trump, praised him for attracting new voters that establishment politicians haven’t reached, including low-income voters who previously rejected Republicans.

In an interview after the rally, Sessions went into more detail about Trump’s plan for immigration and what to do about President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which waives deportation for young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children.

“I don’t think it’s legal,” Sessions said about DACA. “The president doesn’t have the power to do that. Congress did not approve that, and he just did it anyway. It was a colossal executive overreach.”

He said the immigration system needs to serve America first and prevent workers from flooding the labor market and depressing wages.

The country should “support our border patrol, build barriers and create a system that we can be proud of and then we’ll have to wrestle with what to do with people who’ve been here a long time,” he said.

Democrats held a news conference after Sessions’ visit to condemn his positions on immigration and urge Nevada voters to reject Trump and down-ticket Republicans. Speakers included prominent immigration activist Astrid Silva, who’s participating in the DACA program and said Sessions thinks she should be deported, and Democratic Nevada Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto.

“The only reason why we are here is because we have a broken immigration system that we need to make a priority in this country,” Cortez Masto said about Obama programs to waive deportation. “We need to pass comprehensive immigration reform … Until we do, we need DACA and DAPA (the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program) because we need to keep our families together.”

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