- Friday, October 28, 2016

To repeal Obamacare, Trump must win.

It’s just that simple.

Seriously. Repeat that like a mantra as you make a plan to go to the polls.

If you want to rid yourselves of the odious law known as Obamacare, your only option is to vote for Donald Trump. He alone has promised to repeal it, and a Republican House and Senate will put that bill on his desk.

Hillary Clinton, by contrast, has promised to double down on Obamacare, and supports moving even further left, to the so-called “single payer” option (read: full government takeover). Consequently, a Clinton victory will likely see the end of GOP attempts to repeal the law.

There is no more obvious, compelling, and consequential contrast between the two candidates, regarding the likely policy outcomes of their respective individual victories.

A vote for Hillary is a vote to retain and even expand Obamacare.

A vote for Trump is a vote to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Healthcare premiums are rising – in some states (are you listening, Arizona?), projected to more than double in just one year! – even as health insurance provider profits are going through the roof.

Is it any wonder the Real Clear Politics average shows that a majority of the country wants this law repealed … and consistently has wanted it repealed since it was first enacted more than six years ago?


Even as the Obama Administration revealed earlier this week that health insurance premiums in the Obamacare exchanges will rise by an average 25 percent next year, we learned from this piece in The Weekly Standard that health insurance company profits have virtually doubled since Barack Obama became President Obama.

Can there be any better proof that Obamacare was always meant to gauge the consumer even as it benefited the health insurance companies? Is it any wonder why the health insurance companies – whom many initially (and wrongly) assumed would oppose the new law – have instead become its most ardent defenders and supporters?

When Obamacare was first proposed in 2009, 85 percent of the people in America had health insurance. And 85 percent of those with health insurance were happy with their health insurance. Do the math, and you’ll see that roughly 70 percent of the country were satisfied with their health insurance.

Their health care concerns were largely two-fold: First, that their health care costs were rising faster than inflation, and, second, that they might lose their health care.

Along came Obamacare, which did nothing to address either of these two major concerns of more than two-thirds of the country. Instead, it aimed to cut the percentage of uninsured by a third – from 15 percent to 10 percent – and did so by imposing massive tax increases, massive spending increases, a first-ever individual government mandate to purchase a service or pay a fine, massive Medicare cuts, and massive changes to how people get their health care delivered.

Six years in, the enormity of the disaster grows every day. Millions of people thrown off the health care plans they had, with doctors they knew and liked, and millions of others shunted into a Medicaid system studies show is no better than, and can actually have worse consequences than, having no insurance at all.

But at least the health insurance companies are making out. During a period where the median household income actually fell (from $57,899 in November 2008 to $57,380 as August, 2016), the profits of the ten biggest American health insurance companies rose from $8 billion in 2008 to $15 billion in 2015.

Trump is right, certainly in this case. The system is rigged. If you’re a powerful health insurance company, you can use government to grow your customer base (and your profits) by greasing the skids for a new law that actually uses the coercive power of government (for the first time ever) to require you to purchase their product under penalty of law.

And if you’re just a lonely consumer, get ready to take it on the chin.

Send a message on Nov. 8. Use your vote for Donald Trump to let the Washington Establishment know you’re not going to take it any more. Drain the swamp!

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