- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Donald Trump’s star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame was severely vandalized.

Someone took a pickax and sledgehammer to Mr. Trump’s star, all the while dressed as a construction worker, a video posted by Deadline shows. The Los Angeles police are investigating the report, local news says.

Why on earth, isn’t this the biggest scandal of today? Can you imagine the cries from the left if Hillary Clinton had a star on the Walk of Fame that was destroyed? Oh, the alt-right movement, the bigots, the racists, the xenophobes would be blamed. Mr. Trump is promoting violence they would say. He’s out to destroy America.

But no worries, this is an act of vandalism against Mr. Trump – who presumably (by the main stream media standards) deserves it. Never mind, his star as already been spray painted with a swastika earlier in the year.

I’ve had liberal friends tell me they’re scared if Mr. Trump loses the election – that there will be rioting in the Main Streets of America. I’m not so sure where they get this from. Yes, Mr. Trump’s supporters are passionate – but they haven’t shown violence against Mrs. Clinton – or her supporters – like the left has in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, a GOP headquarters was firebombed in North Carolina. Two democratic strategists had to leave their jobs after an undercover video found them to be hiring people to incite violence at Trump rallies. Last week, I reported on five examples of progressives tearing down, burning, and breaking the windows of vehicles that show signs of support for Mr. Trump. 

A few news articles pop up when you Google “Clinton sign vandalism” – mostly it’s of her signs going missing on lawns – not being torched, like Mr. Trump’s supporters’ signs are.

Surly, there’s a double-standard here. It could also been seen when Vice President Joe Biden said he’d like to take Mr. Trump out in the school yard to settle his scores.

Even liberal-leaning Vox’s Ezra Klein could see the hypocrisy.

“Not taken with Biden’s `I wish I could take Trump behind the gym and fight him’ comments. If Trump said that, liberals would freak out,” Mr. Klein tweeted.



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