- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 20, 2016

President Barack Obama. Weather Underground domestic-terrorist Bill Ayers. Rules for Radicals’ Saul Alinsky. Now, Democratic consultant Robert Creamer.

What do they all have in common?

Chicago politics — specializing in radical left community-organizing, agitation and disruption.

Mr. Creamer — husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky — resigned from his position at a progressive consultancy after conservative activist James O’Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Mr. Creamer and other operatives discussing methods for inciting violence at Donald Trump rallies and voter fraud.

How apropos.

Mr. Creamer’s firm Democracy Now, was doing political work for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. He was also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

In the video, Mr. Creamer said he was a part of a daily call with the Clinton campaign “to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken.”He’s also an Obama confidant. Since Mr. Obama took office, Mr. Creamer visited the White House 342 times, 47 times visiting the president himself, or the family’s residency. His last visit was in June.

According to this website biography, Mr. Creamer began his organizing career in 1970 at Chicago’s Citizen Action Program (CAP), which had been organized by Mr. Alinksy’s Industrial Areas Foundation.

In In 1974 Mr. Creamer founded the Illinois Public Action Council — later known as Illinois Citizen Action — which became the state’s largest consumer advocacy organization and progressive political coalition. He directed the organization for 23 years.

Mr. Creamer was sentenced to federal prison in 2006 after pleading guilty to bank fraud and withholding taxes while heading Citizen Action. While in prison he wrote a book titled “How Progressives Can Win,” which was touted by Mr. Obama’s chief adviser David Axelrod as providing “a blueprint for future victories.”

According to his website bio, Mr. Creamer has been a “political organizer and strategist for over four decades” and has been very involved with the Obama administration over the years. He even “provided strategic advice” to Obama on the “Iran nuclear deal.”

Mr. Creamer’s connection to Mr. Ayers isn’t as well-known.

Sometime in the second half of 1995, Mr. Ayers hosted a coffee for Mr. Obama in his townhouse to introduce him to several guests, including Chicago physician Quentin Young, the national coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocated for universal, single-payer national health insurance, the Chicago Sun-Times reported at the time.

What is known, is that Mr. Creamer’s wife, Rep. Schakowsky, who was serving in Illinois State Assembly at the time, was advocating for universal health care, and called Mr. Young a “treasured friend.”

It’s hard to imagine these progressive radicals who were living in the same neighborhood and were advocating for the same causes, wouldn’t have known each other.

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