- Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Out of concern for fighting terrorism in their nations and worldwide, political leaders from Egypt and Libya have a simple request: Keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House.

In September members of the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations met with Donald Trump and Clinton, offering high praise for Trump and blasting Clinton with strong criticism. It says much about the lousy, one-sided anti-Trump coverage of the American media when leaders from Egypt, one of the longest-standing Muslim nations in world history, praise Trump — and the story gets almost zero coverage. Egyptian officials have expressed outrage over the Obama-Clinton support for the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization) and believe Clinton would continue to hinder Egyptian efforts to stop Muslim Brotherhood terrorism.

Ahmed Gad, a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, said on Sept. 20: “I think 90 percent of Egyptians would prefer Trump because he will not cooperate with terrorists.” What does that say about Clinton?

In addition, three members of the Libyan parliament representing tribes that were brutally attacked by Islamic militia both during and after the coup that ousted Moammar Gadhafi charge that Clinton is the “Butcher of Libya,” a nation now an Islamic State stronghold.

And I find it beyond amazing that the two nations — Saudi Arabia and Qatar — that are the largest bankrollers of the Islamic State (which has launched multiple terrorist attacks in the United States) are also two of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has contributed between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation; Qatar, between $1 million and $5 million.

It is beyond pathetic that the nation’s political press continually attacks Trump but can’t report that Clinton has such a poor record on terrorism that the nations that back terrorism also support her. This is disgusting.


Tracy, Calif.

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