- Tuesday, October 18, 2016

(1) Paul Kengor: Hillary and abortion

***Don’t miss this one. Kengor always provides great historical material, and this one is no exception.

When asked in the last presidential debate what she wanted in a Supreme Court justice, Hillary Clinton did not hesitate to go to abortion. “I want a Supreme Court that will stick with Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose,” affirmed Mrs. Clinton, to no one’s surprise.

There is nothing more sacrosanct to Hillary Clinton than a “woman’s right to choose.” It is her alpha and omega, beyond doubt her highest priority. I wrote an entire book on the faith of Hillary Clinton, and the one thing that struck me above all else, from start to finish, was her absolute fealty to Roe v. Wade. It is Hillary’s hill to die on. I believe Hillary Clinton would give her life for Roe v. Wade.

In the course of the research for that book, which was titled, God and Hillary Clinton, I stumbled upon a claim that blew me away, which I instantly knew I had to check out. I was told that Hillary Clinton’s OB-GYN in Arkansas was no less than the state’s leading abortion doctor. Yes, to repeat: her doctor, allegedly, was Arkansas’ top abortion provider. His name was Dr. William F. Harrison, I was told, and he openly admitted and boasted of having performed tens of thousands of abortions.

I couldn’t believe it, but certainly couldn’t drop it. As a biographer, you don’t ignore something like that (well, if you’re a liberal biographer you do). So, I did some digging, and even took the time to dare try to contact Harrison. I reached him. I would interview and correspond with him via several emails and phone calls in December 2006 and January 2007 (before the publication of my book) and again in multiple emails from September 2007 through July 2008 (after publication). What he told me is worth knowing.  …

(2) Planned Parenthood centennial marked by Hillary Clinton tweets of support

Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary was a day of grieving for many in the pro-life movement, a harrowing reminder of the millions of nameless and faceless people who might be here today if not for the abortion giant’s inception a century ago.

But as abortion opponents brace for the outcome of a presidential race that could see one of Planned Parenthood’s greatest champions established in the White House, Sunday’s centennial also provided a sobering sense of perspective about the long fight still to come.

…“For a century, Planned Parenthood has made it possible for women to determine their own lives. Here’s to another #100YearsStrong,” President Obama tweeted from his official @POTUS account.

The person Mr. Obama wants to follow him in the White House — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — pushed Planned Parenthood even harder Sunday. Five of the seven tweets and retweets on her official @HillaryClinton account by 7:30 p.m. Sunday were in praise or defense of Planned Parenthood.

(3) Cecile Richards: “Planned Parenthood’s Work Is Far From Complete”

…If our first century was about securing our rights, our second century must be about ensuring everyone has full access and also full reproductive autonomy. And like any organization or movement that started 100 years ago, we must continually address the systemic roots of race and class discrimination—in the world and in our own organization—that have kept women of color, women with low incomes, LGBTQ people, immigrants and others from fulfilling their destiny.

Planned Parenthood’s first century was fueled by a defiant fight to secure the right to reproductive health care. In our second century, we’re not settling for rights in name only, or for only a few. We will build a world where neither income nor zip code nor race nor gender determines whether a person can get reproductive care, where no one is shamed for making their own sexual and reproductive health choices. One hundred years in, we are proud of our legacy—and we are just getting started.

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