- The Washington Times - Sunday, October 16, 2016

The final presidential debate is just over 48 hours away. Despite unprecedented attacks from biased news organizations, partisan pundits and assorted celebrities, Donald Trump continues to wage a relentless campaign. When Hillary Clinton’s campaign rhetoric goes low, Mr. Trump goes louder — and he stays on message. For the sixth time, the nominee is bypassing traditional pollsters and conducting his own voter survey, seeking insight from his followers as the Wednesday night fight approaches.

“When you watched the last debate, was there one single moment that you loved? Is there something you want me to say when I face Hillary for the last time?” asks Mr. Trump. “We only have this one last night to make the case to America that we are ready to lead our country back to greatness.”

And once again, Mr. Trump is very specific in the poll, including such red-meat policy issues as Obamacare, immigration, veteran’s issues, military might, national security and the economy. But he does not overlook concerns of particular interest to his millions of followers. A few samples from his 30 survey questions:

“Has Trump done enough to convey to American voters just how truly corrupt Hillary’s email scandal is?”

“Are you satisfied with the way Trump has exposed the Clinton Foundation during the first two debates?”

“Do you agree with Trump’s attack of Hillary as an ’all-talk, no-action’ politician?”

“Should Trump contrast his America-First mindset with Hillary’s globalist ideology?”

“Do you think Trump came off as presidential during the second debate?”


Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Donald Trump is not backing off the intensity of his schedule, appearing at three jumbo rallies before Wednesday’s debate at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. And he’s thinking ahead. The candidate already has revealed a look inside the Trump White House.

“Here’s what I’ll do during my first 100 days in office,” Mr. Trump promises in a new voter outreach. “Appoint judges who will uphold our Constitution — this is so important; change federal immigration rules to give our people the opportunity to fill good-paying jobs, and cancel regulations that send our jobs overseas; lift the job-killing Obama restrictions on energy production; repeal and replace Obamacare — it’s been an absolute disaster for families and small businesses.”


“If Batman had a ship, it would be the USS Zumwalt.”

— Navy Adm. Harry Harris, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, describing the 610-foot-long, 15,000-ton, $4 billion USS Zumwalt guided missile destroyer, which was commissioned in Baltimore on Saturday. The “super-stealth” warship was named for Admiral “Bud” Zumwalt Jr., chief of naval operations from 1970 to 1974. It will be under the command of Capt. James Kirk, who explains — often — that he was named for his grandfather, not the “Star Trek” captain.


A round of applause for the Republican National Committee, which has raised $262.3 million for the 2016 election, $39.4 million in September alone. The average donation was $63.

“With our ground game fully funded, we will continue to raise and spend on additional resources that will put Donald Trump in the White House with Republican majorities in the House and Senate,” predicts Chairman Reince Priebus. “Our supporters are enthusiastic about Donald Trump, and, as a result, this was one of the best months in RNC history for small-dollar fundraising.”

Mr. Trump’s campaign has encouraged the committee to spread the wealth — and it has. Through September, the National Republican Senatorial Committee received $9 million, and the National Republican Campaign Committee $3.6 million.

The Trump campaign has news of its own: 2.6 million people have contributed to the effort; the campaign raised $100 million in September, an amount that includes a $2 million contribution from Mr. Trump. This brings the total raised to date to $360 million.


The presidential election is as good an excuse as any for creative marketing. Spirit of Halloween, Dunkin’ Donuts, Chia Pets and Ben & Jerry’s are among many retailers who devised polls based on their merchandise to serve as victory indicators for the election. Now it is Legal Sea Food’s turn.

The national restaurant chain has created a pair of “d-electable” dishes named for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Whichever dish sells the most will predict the outcome of the race, the restaurateur reasons. Well, OK, that’s as good a method as any. Here’s what’s on the election menu:

“The Red Plate Trump Tower isn’t shy about its size. This ’yuge’ two-tiered plateau feeds any grand old party. Scallop mango ceviche, king crab, marinated mussels, shrimp cocktail, oysters and littlenecks on the half shell make dinner great again. It’s priced at $55.95 and serves 4-6 people,” the company advises.

“The Blue Plate Secretary of Steak offers a liberal helping of blackened tuna steak with jasmine rice, bacon-braised Brussels sprouts and blackberry beurre rouge. It didn’t take a village to create this delicious dish, just a great chef. It’s priced at $31.95.”

The two dishes will be available beginning Oct. 24.

“I refuse to pick sides — or even main courses. So we’re letting our guests decide,” says Roger Berkowitz, president and CEO of Legal Sea Foods.


45 percent of the nations in the world approve of U.S. leadership in global events; 1 percent of Russians agree.

43 percent approve of Germany’s leadership in the events; 6 percent of Russians agree.

39 percent approve of the European Union’s leadership; 5 percent of Russians agree.

30 percent approve of China’s leadership; 41 percent of Russians agree.

24 percent approve of Russia’s leadership; 69 percent of Russians agree.

Source: A Gallup World Poll of 133,000 adults in 133 countries conducted in a multimonth period throughout 2015 and released Friday.

• Churlish remarks, polite commentary to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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