- Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Donald Trump is the one to vote for. Let him cast the first stone who have never had an inappropriate thought or made a lewd comment.

Hollywood and the mainstream-media culture have cultivated an atmosphere of lewd entertainment for many years now. People laugh at sitcoms promoting homosexual and fornication-focused behavior; yet some of these same people severely criticize Trump for some comments made in 2005. Trump has apologized and said he was ashamed of making those comments. Move on.

People should notice that establishment Republicans are largely against Trump. Have you seen any Democratic politicians come out strongly against Hillary Clinton and the numerous scandals and lies that have surrounded her? No. The Democrats and establishment Republicans are against Trump because they represent the interests of the global elitists. They’ll do anything they can to keep Trump from being elected, including show a video from 2005 that they’ve had on the shelf for many weeks now.

Trump wants to put America first. He wants to bring jobs back to America. He wants to protect our borders. He wants to bring respect back to the police departments and restore law and order. He wants to protect America’s sovereignty and not give her to the global elitists. He wants to appoint Supreme Court justices who will support the Constitution.

This is a crucial election. I highly recommend that Christians and non-Christians alike get out and vote for Trump. Focus on the main issues because Rome is burning. Trump, although not perfect, is the much better candidate than globalist Clinton.


Aurora, Ill.

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