- Associated Press - Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CHICAGO (AP) - A look at voters’ views from Tuesday’s election, according to preliminary results of exit polls conducted in Indiana for The Associated Press and the television networks:


TRUMP’S STRENGTH: Republican Donald Trump won Indiana by besting Democrat Hillary Clinton in many demographic categories, including men, white voters, those with incomes of $50,000 or more, those 45 and older, and those with a high school or college education (Voters with a post-graduate education favored Clinton).


CANDIDATE OF CHANGE: More than 8 in 10 voters who want change say they supported Trump, but those who voted based on a candidate’s experience overwhelmingly sided with Clinton.

Not surprisingly, Trump ran well among voters who described themselves as “dissatisfied” or “angry” at the government. Those who said they’re “satisfied” opted for Clinton.


THE ISSUES: More than half of voters who named terrorism as the most important issue in the election chose Trump; votes were more evenly split between Trump and Clinton among voters who listed either foreign policy or the economy as the top issue.

On immigration, eight in 10 voters who believe people who are in the U.S. illegally should be deported favored Trump; those who believe those immigrants should have a chance to become citizens split their votes between Trump and Clinton.


TOWN AND COUNTRY: Trump did best among voters from small towns or rural areas, led Clinton slightly in suburban neighborhoods and kept even with Clinton in cities.


U.S. SENATE: Republican Todd Young won by running strongly among voters who disapprove of the job President Barack Obama is doing. He outdistanced Democrat Evan Bayh, a former senator attempting a comeback, with voters who consider their financial situation worse now than it was earlier. Young stayed even with or led Bayh slightly among voters of all income levels.


GOVERNOR: In the race to replace Republican Gov. Mike Pence, who resigned to be Trump’s running mate, Republican Eric Holcomb topped Democrat John Gregg with the support of voters who believed their financial situation was worse than it had been earlier. Gregg was favored by those who believed their situation had gotten better.


The exit poll of 1,817 Indiana voters was conducted for AP and the television networks by Edison Research in a random sample of 30 precincts statewide. Results were subject to a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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