- Monday, November 7, 2016

Reading about people who say they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of some of his past remarks puts me in mind of David, the second king of Israel. He made more than remarks; he did some very bad things. His lust for Bathsheba, which may or may not have been requited, led to his collusion in the death of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite.

He also did some very good things and is venerated today for these extraordinary accomplishments. King David unified and extended the kingdom of Israel and made Jerusalem its capital.

He also slew Goliath. David was a shepherd boy who took on the giant with only a stone. Today’s goliath is an entrenched, out-of-control, corrupt government. Donald Trump is a sincere American with a proven record and enormous potential to do for us what King David did for Israel.



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