- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An internet video by the liberal director Joss Whedon’s Save the Day PAC includes a denunciation of Trump voters as “subhuman f—-wits.”

The video, uploaded to YouTube on Oct. 6 and titled “Idiots,” features an actor with an English accent asking America to do him a “bit of a favor” by electing Donald Trump as president, so as to get Europe to forget the United Kingdom’s mistake in having voted to leave the European Union.

Ever since the Brexit vote, says the actor, “[o]ur allies are hating us. Our economy’s slumping. Racist incidents are flaring up. Yes, we’re afraid on the world stage today, Britain’s the idiot.”

That’s where, he says, “America can come to the rescue.”

“Elect Donald Trump. Make him the squinty orange face of your nation and Europe will be far too busy vomiting in horror to think about our blunder,” says the man.

“Come on, let’s get things back to their natural state, where we’re the classy, Judi Denchy ones, and you’re the subhuman f—-wits who think that a mentally unstable bankruptcy addict’s going to somehow be ’strong on trade.’ Vote Trump! Or just stay home and let him win.”

“Come on, America, be the bigger moron,” the actor says in closing, stopping to take a sip of tea as “MAKE AMERICA HATED AGAIN” is plastered on the screen.


• Ken Shepherd can be reached at kshepherd@washingtontimes.com.

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