By Associated Press - Tuesday, November 1, 2016

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The Latest on Wisconsin’s Senate race (all times local):

8:05 p.m.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine and U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin are rubbing elbows with Wisconsin voters in a Madison bar.

Kaine and Baldwin stopped at the Old Fashioned, a supper club-tavern across the street from the state Capitol, on Tuesday evening after Kaine delivered a speech on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Diners and drinkers greeted Kaine with a round of applause as he strode inside.

He and Baldwin sat down at the bar and caught a glimpse of the World Series on a big-screen television. Kaine ordered a brandy old fashioned sweet; Baldwin got a glass of Spotted Cow beer. Secret Service agents ringed the two as Kaine posed for pictures with people at the bar.

Kaine made campaign stops in both Madison and Appleton on Tuesday to stump for Hillary Clinton and Democrat Russ Feingold, who is looking to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson. Republican Donald Trump made an appearance in Eau Claire, about three hours northwest of Madison, on Tuesday as well.


3 p.m.

Hillary Clinton’s running mate says Wisconsin would have two of the most progressive members of the Senate if Russ Feingold is elected.

Tim Kaine spoke Tuesday at a rally at Lawrence University in Appleton. Both Feingold and Sen. Tammy Baldwin appeared with Kaine at the event that attracted about 600 people, many of them students.

Kaine is a senator from Virginia and he says he has worked closely with Baldwin there. But he says if Feingold joins her they would be among the most progressive in the country.

Feingold says Clinton and Kaine would be “very good friends” in the White House. He calls Clinton “the most qualified person to ever run for that office.”

Kaine was also to appear later Tuesday in Madison, while Trump has an evening rally in Eau Claire.


2 p.m.

A spokesman for Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold says it’s “sad but expected” that Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has decided to appear at a Donald Trump rally.

Johnson was to appear for the first time with Trump at a rally Tuesday night in Eau Claire.

Feingold spokesman Michael Tyler says Trump and Johnson “share the same vision for an economy that’s rigged for people like them.” Tyler says Jonson is “showing that he’ll say or do anything in his desperate attempt to stay in Washington.”

Johnson spokesman Brian Reisinger says Johnson will use his comments at the Trump rally to argue against electing Hillary Clinton and Feingold. Reisinger calls them “two career politicians who are in it for themselves.”


1:15 p.m.

Sen. Ron Johnson plans to campaign with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Wisconsin for the first time.

The Republican incumbent Johnson has been keeping his distance from Trump, even though he does support him. Johnson had never appeared with Trump during any of his four previous general election campaign stops in Wisconsin.

But Johnson’s campaign says he plans to speak at the Trump rally in Eau Claire on Tuesday night. Gov. Scott Walker is also attending, marking the second time he will be appearing with Trump in the state. House Speaker Paul Ryan has not campaigned with Trump and is not attending the event.

Johnson has condemned Trump at times during the campaign, but never revoked his support. Johnson is in a tough re-election battle with Democratic former Sen. Russ Feingold.


12:10 p.m.

Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin says FBI Director James Comey made a mistake when he announced the agency was reviewing emails that may be pertinent to the dormant investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private emails while secretary of state.

Comey on Friday sent a short letter to Congress saying the FBI was reviewing the emails. The notification came less than two weeks before the election, sparking criticism from former prosecutors, congressional Democrats and others.

Baldwin told reporters during an appearance with Democratic Senate hopeful Russ Feingold on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus Tuesday that she thinks Comey made an error in judgment. She ripped his letter as “vague” and said Comey doesn’t even know what he’s investigating.

Feingold says he believes the FBI should provide as much information as possible given the potential impact on the presidential election.


This item has been updated to correct that Comey did not release his letter to Congress publicly and that the FBI is reviewing the emails, not opening a new investigation.


11:15 a.m.

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s campaign is pushing back against Democrat Russ Feingold’s claims that Johnson is too closely allied with corporate powers.

Johnson campaign spokesman Brian Reisinger said in an email to The Associated Press on Tuesday that the race between Johnson and Feingold is closer than ever and Wisconsin residents are getting ready to “fire” Feingold.

Feingold is trying to win back the Senate seat he lost to Johnson in 2010. Powerful conservative super PACS have started spending millions in the closing day of the race to support Johnson.

Feingold told reporters earlier Tuesday that spending shows corporate interests are trying to rescue Johnson at the last minute.


11:05 a.m.

If Democrat Russ Feingold is worried about outsiders spending millions to support Republican U.S. Ron Johnson he isn’t showing it.

Feingold is trying to win back the Senate seat he lost to Johnson in 2010. Powerful conservative super PACS are spending millions in the closing days of the race to boost Johnson.

Feingold told reporters during a stop at a University of Wisconsin-Madison campus coffee shop Tuesday that he wants people to interpret the spending as a sign that the race is close because he wants people to work even harder for him. He says the spending is a sign that Johnson is closely aligned with corporate powers and they’re trying to save him at the last minute. Feingold says he’s the candidate who cares about Wisconsin’s people.

Johnson campaign spokesman Brian Reisinger didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking reaction.


9:40 a.m.

Democrat Russ Feingold’s campaign manager says in a new memo that a rash of outsider spending for Sen. Ron Johnson won’t be enough to help the Republican incumbent win.

Tom Russell says in the memo released Tuesday that strong early voting totals, polling consistently showing Feingold ahead and strong grassroots fundraising all point toward a Feingold victory next week.

Powerful conservative super PACs are spending millions in the final days of the race to help Johnson. That includes one funded by mega-donor Diane Hendricks and another backed by the Koch Brothers.

Russell says Johnson’s “corporate backers are panicking and hoping another few million dollars will fix the problem.” Russell says Johnson has “failed to make a bipartisan, commonsense case for another six years in Washington.”


9:20 a.m.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine are both campaigning in Wisconsin.

Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold plans to appear on Tuesday with Kaine at Lawrence University in Appleton. Kaine is also holding a rally in Madison.

Trump was headed to Eau Claire for an evening rally. Incumbent Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has not said if he would attend the rally. He supports Trump but has yet to campaign with him.

Gov. Scott Walker does plan to attend the Trump rally, while House Speaker Paul Ryan will be out of state campaigning for other House Republicans.


9:10 a.m.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is teaming up with U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy in a new television ad targeted to his northern Wisconsin congressional district.

The ad released Tuesday shows the former lumberjack Duffy chopping down a tree with the narrator saying both he and Johnson are “hardworking outsiders who tell it like it is.”

At the end, Johnson is shown wearing the same red plaid shirt Duffy had on while chopping the tree. They appear to be standing in a bar.

In another Johnson spot released Thursday, Lauri Badura recounts her son’s overdose death and defends Johnson’s work on fighting opioid abuse. She says Johnson’s Democratic challenger Russ Feingold was wrong to say that he’s doing nothing on the issue.


6:35 a.m.

A national group backed by the conservative billionaire Koch Brothers is making a late push to help Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.

Americans for Prosperity’s Wisconsin chapter announced Tuesday it was launching a nearly $1 million television ad buy in Wisconsin with just a week to go before the election. The ad buy comes after Democratic and Republican PACs announced they were each pouring $2 million in the race. Republicans say they see Johnson’s race against Democratic former Sen. Russ Feingold tightening. Feingold has consistently led in public polls.

The Americans for Prosperity ad attacks Feingold over his vote in support of President Barack Obama’s federal health care law. It includes clips of Feingold, Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton talking about the Affordable Care Act.

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