- The Washington Times - Monday, May 9, 2016

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Monday that likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is playing the woman’s card “to the hilt” and that he’ll be better for women “by a big factor.”

“She is playing the woman’s card to the hilt,” Mr. Trump said on CNN’s “New Day.” “I mean, I watched over the weekend. … Everything is about woman, and ’Donald Trump raised his voice’ — it’s all nonsense.”

“And you know what? Women understand it better than anybody,” he said. “Watch how well I do with women when it counts, when the election comes — watch how well.”

“Because women want to see strong security, they want to see strong military, they want to see borders where people just can’t come crossing, walking across a border like it’s Swiss cheese, and you see the damage that’s been done to our country with the weak borders,” Mr. Trump said.

“You see what’s happening, you see the crime — you see the drugs flowing in and poisoning our youth and everybody else,” he said.

“He was impeached. He was impeached,” Mr. Trump said of former President Bill Clinton, Mrs. Clinton’s husband. “And then he lied about it. He said nothing happened with Monica Lewinsky and then he said, ’Sorry folks — it actually did happen.’ And the guy was impeached for lying.”

“She can’t talk about me, because nobody respects women more than Donald Trump,” he said. “I will be better for women by a big factor than Hillary Clinton, who frankly, I don’t even think will be good to women.”

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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