- Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton continues to parade as a viable presidential candidate, but her charade will soon be over when she is finally charged criminally for her email operation while secretary of State. She is covering up her scandalous conduct in handling classified information and wants Americans to forget what she did in Benghazi.

Mrs. Clinton’s history of questionable activities and her failures are just too numerous count in a newspaper article. Her imcompetnce speaks for itself. For someone like her to aspire to be president is ridiculous.

She has hoodwinked a large number of the young segment of the population pretending to be the benevolent grandmother that they never had. But behind that false image is a cunning and devious politician who has failed at everything that she has ever done or attempted to do. She is a parrot of President Obama and a faithful servant of a failed president.

Mrs. Clinton must be stopped from ever getting close to the White House again. She belongs in the corrupt environment of career politician. Bernie Sanders is stepping on her heels and may overtake her, and Donald Trump will expose her for what she is: a crooked opportunist with a sense of entitlement.

Voters should just say no to Hillary Clinton.


Warrenton, Va.

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