- Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Those Republicans and conservatives who sent mailings and used the media to solicit funds and do everything possible to end President Obama’s destructive policies and prevent Hillary Clinton from being the next president, and who are now doing everything possible to prevent Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, from succeeding, were and remain dishonest individuals.

Mr. Trump did not divide the Republicans. The failed Republican House and Senate leadership are responsible. The people felt betrayed, and Mr. Trump’s message of restoring the United States to the world’s leading economic and military power, uniting our divided country and restoring personal and individual freedoms gained him their support.

Mr. Trump also made very correct statements that were twisted by the Democrats and the self-serving Republicans. He is not a racist or a bigot. In essence, he only requested that our existing laws be enforced. Mexico allowed illegals to cross the border. Those illegals, including Mexicans, kill more than 4,000 of our citizens every year and are involved with drug cartels and human trafficking. Our immigration laws require everyone entering our country to be properly vetted. Allowing entry to non-vetted refugees, including many Muslims, is not in our best interest. Mr. Obama has refused to enforce the enacted immigration laws and has created a significant burden on taxpayers.

Mr. Trump may make some poor remarks, but he has been a successful businessman, a great campaigner, and has indicated he will assemble very well-qualified advisers. Unlike Mr. Obama he will heed their advice. Mr. Trump can unite the party, and it will defeat Hillary Clinton. As for the Republican “anyone but Trump” individuals, they have demonstrated they care only about themselves and certainly not our country. What would four or eight more years of Hillary Clinton expanding on Mr. Obama’s policies do to our country?


Centerville, Mass.

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