- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Even as Indiana Democrats voted in Tuesday’s primary election, Hillary Clinton turned her attention on Republican Donald Trump, saying the GOP presidential front-runner ultimately will crash and burn as more Americans decide he simply isn’t qualified for the job.

In an interview with MSNBC, the former secretary of state and Democratic White House hopeful said Mr. Trump hasn’t shown he understands what it means to be president.

“He has given no indication that he understands the gravity of the responsibilities that go with being commander in chief. … At some point, he’s going to have to be held to the standard we hold anybody running for president and commander in chief. What is it you know? What is it you’ve done? What is it you’re proposing to do as president and commander in chief? So far we haven’t seen any of that,” she said. “We’ve seen a lot of rhetoric, we’ve seen a lot of insults. He’s an equal-opportunity insulter. But when it comes down to making this really important decision … Absent some major change in how he is presenting himself and what he is saying, that’s going to be a pretty high bar for him to get over.”

Mrs. Clinton spoke as Indiana Democrats choose between her and Sen. Bernard Sanders. Polls show Mrs. Clinton leading in the Hoosier State, though her advantage is in single digits. A blowout win like the ones Mrs. Clinton earned in Maryland and Pennsylvania last week seems unlikely.

Still, she has a massive advantage and the delegate race and, barring a complete collapse, is likely to be the party’s nominee, setting up a potential showdown with Mr. Trump in November.

• Ben Wolfgang can be reached at bwolfgang@washingtontimes.com.

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