- Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Mark Tushnet, that learned Harvard professor of constitutional law and theory, has certainly hit the nail on the head (“Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis,” Web, May 10). His recommendation that society treat conservative Christians the way we treated Nazis rings as loud and clear as a hammer blow on a crystal night. I would be thrilled to my very soul — if there were such a thing — just knowing that Mr. Tushnet and his kind are teaching future generations the bedrock principles of our nation’s founding (“You lost, live with it”).

My one criticism: Why stop at conservative Christians? Not even the Nazis, those loathsome brutes, differentiated between conservative Jews and other Jews. After all, there may be a smattering of other conservative types, such as Muslims, who dissent from Mr. Tushnet’s enlightened positions. And what of those vast majorities of the public that repeatedly vote against so many “progressive” policies? Can their will always be reliably overturned just by stacking the courts or via executive order? One can only hope.

Do not fear, Prof. Tushnet, that your proposal may be regarded as extreme or foolhardy, especially during this election year. We know that leftist Harvard scholars are never considered either extreme or foolish. To say or think as much would be heresy. Certainly a post-constitutional law and theory chair cannot be far off on your horizon.



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