- The Washington Times - Friday, May 13, 2016

Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s only hope for dismantling Obamacare.

On Wednesday, a federal judge struck a devastating blow to the Affordable Care Act, ruling the executive branch overstepped its authority by granting payments to reimburse insurers for providing health care for low-income patients, without Congressional approval.

If upheld, the ruling will systematically destroy President Obama’s signature bill, because insurers will either start dropping out of the program because the costs will be too high, or they will shift the burden on the consumer, driving up premiums.

The Wall Street Journal summed it up this way:

“Insurers are required under the law to offer the cost reductions if they don’t get funding from the federal government. So if the Obama administration ultimately loses — and the federal payments that reduce consumers’ outlays are blocked — it would be a major financial challenge to insurers. … Some insurers such as UnitedHealthGroup Inc. have already said they are withdrawing from the exchange marketplace because of financial losses, and that trend would likely accelerate if the decision stands.”

Undoubtedly, the decision will ultimately be settled in the Supreme Court, where Antonin Scalia’s chair remains empty. It’s pivotal Mr. Trump wins the White House so he can make a conservative pick to uphold this ruling, not to mention the other vacancies on the high court that may come up in four years.

For not only is the executive branch up for grabs this election cycle — so are the powers of the legislative branch. If Federal Judge Rosemary Collyer’s decision is overturned, then the president’s powers and policies won’t be bound by the purse strings of Congress — which was our Founding Fathers’ intention.

Those who don’t trust Mr. Trump’s conservative values on all policy issues surely see what’s at stake here — the upholding of our Constitutional values. Although some may question the quality of the judges he recommends, one thing is certain: They’ll be better than if Hillary Clinton were choosing.

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