- Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination but then lose to Hillary Clinton in the general election. He might severely damage the Republican Party and adversely impact Republicans in congressional and state races. His un-American campaign of political violence and hooliganism is reminiscent of 20th-century Nazi and communist dictators.

In the Republican primaries Mr. Trump is averaging 35 percent of the vote. If Mr. Trump went up against another candidate, polls show he might get another 10 percent of the vote. History strongly suggests that primary candidates who receive less than 50 percent of the vote lose the election for U.S. president.

The U.S. electorate is 26 percent Republican, 30 percent Democratic and 44 percent Independent. Polls show Mr. Trump garnering 70 percent of the Republican vote, or 18 percent of the total (30 percent voting ’other’); five percent of the Democratic vote, or 1.5 percent of the total; and 40 percent of the Independent vote, or 18 percent of the total, giving him 37.5 percent of the total vote. Mrs. Clinton will receive few Republican votes; she is likely to get 95 percent of the Democratic vote, or 28.5 of the total, and 60 percent of the Independent vote, or 26 of the total. This gives Mrs. Clinton 54.5 percent of the total vote and Mr. Trump 37.5 percent of the total vote, with the remaining 8 percent being made up of write-ins or blank ballots.

It would be a Trump wrecking ball. This November, the integrity of the Republican Party and the dignity of the U.S. presidency is at stake.


Londonderry, N.H.

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