- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Islamic State terrorists have taken to social media to tell the West that the March 22 attacks in Brussels are just the beginning of waves of violence that will strike more targets in Europe and the United States.

The messages were produced by the Islamic State’s media company, Al-Wafa, which published a series of deadly predictions that indicate the terror army based in Syria has scores of attacks in the pipeline.

“America, You Are Next” is the headline on one column. The U.S. is leading a coalition whose objective, through air strikes and commando raids, is to defeat or destroy the Islamic State and its so-called Caliphate in Syria-Iraq.

“America has forgotten that Muslims do not accept humiliation and will not forget to retaliate,” says the article, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which monitors jihadi communications traffic

“We haven’t forgotten the screams of the virgin girls who were raped when you invaded Iraq. Today, with Allah’s help, we will avenge them and restore every maiden’s honor. Today we will blow up your honor, today we will eliminate your myth, today we will take your women captive and sell them at slave markets at prices reserved for the most unclean. Today we will take your children and raise them among Muslim children until they grow up, fight, and break the noses of those who remain among you.”

The writer points to the San Bernardino massacre carried out by American-born Syed Farook and his wife.

“Then how about we send you 10 Syed Farooks? How about we send you eight lions like the heroes who set France on fire [Nov. 13] and turned it on its head,” the writer says.

The Islamic State, also known was ISIL and ISIS, has pledged in previously posts to infiltrate with its terrorists the streams of refugees from the Syria civil war.

President Obama over the weekend said he plans to bring more migrants into the country as a show of opposition against ISIL.

Another Al-Wafa article specifically threatens Europe under the headline, “Today It Is Brussels and [Its] Airport, and Tomorrow It Might Be Portugal and Hungary.”

The mentioning of two countries not thought to be ISIL’s crosshairs appears to be an effort to show that the terror group can strike anywhere in Europe.

“The meaning is that no European nation or capital is safe from ISIS attacks,” says a MEMRI analysis.

States the article: “They [the perpetrators] told Belgium: We have come to you today with bombs, explosive belts, and rifles. We will yet send you to hell in coffins. Yes, by the Almighty Allah, we will strike you in the nightclubs, the stadiums, the schools, and the universities; on land, on sea, and everywhere. We will target the military, the police, women, men, the elderly, and children. We will leave none of you [alive].”

ISIL’s primary weapon, displayed in mass killings in Iraq and in Brussels, is a suicide bomber. The death toll in the Brussels attack has reached 35, and of the more than 300 wounded, some 60 are in intensive care.

ISIL, via ally Jamat-ul-Ahrar in Pakistan, carried out a horrific suicide bombing in Lahore, Pakistan, on Easter Sunday. The target: Christians. The bomber killed more than 70 Christians and Muslims in a crowded park. Jamat broke away from the equally brutal Pakistan Taliban and now works for ISIL, which is also attempting to create an army in Afghanistan to bring down the U.S.-backed elected government.

ISIL also appears to be growing in Yemen, where it is believed to have crucified a Catholic priest on Good Friday.

Another ISIL media article vows to establish a strong presence in London, where the government has adopted a new get-tough policy to tap down radical Islam. Prime Minister David Cameron also has condemned the global Muslim Brotherhood as a supporter of violence and says it may be banned in Great Britain.

In contrast, Mr. Obama has reached out to American Muslim leaders tied to the Brotherhood.

“My message in this article is addressed to the Crusader pig Cameron,” the ISIL operator writes. “Do not think that what happened in Brussels, and before that in Paris, is far from you, oh lowly Crusader.”

Said Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and terrorism expert:  ​”​I believe among the hundreds of returnees from Syria/Iraq and the Islamic population now in Europe there ​are​ plenty of willing people to continue to terrorize Europe.​The Europeans are not of one mind much less trust each other to work as closely as necessary to prevent further assaults.​”​

• Rowan Scarborough can be reached at rscarborough@washingtontimes.com.

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