- Friday, March 25, 2016

Nebraska’s great Republican Sen. Ben Sasse described the 2016 presidential campaign in one succinct sentence. Appearing on Fox News, he said, “We’re the country that put a man on the moon and the only choices that people get are two dishonest New York liberals?”

The race is not over yet and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is making a strong push to stop Donald Trump. But the Republican Party had better consider something before Trump becomes the nominee.


The #NEVERTRUMP movement has surged through social media. Groups of conservatives have adopted the mantra and the simple message behind it. That message is, if Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, under no circumstances will we vote for him.


Sane people won’t vote for Trump. Trump is a media creation that has run amuck. If he were not a billionaire and reality TV star, he would be treated just like performance artist Vermin Supreme, who runs every four years in New Hampshire.

Sane people don’t want Donald Trump to run. Sane people cannot even understand him. His speeches are little more than an explosion of word salad. They are a verbal Rorschach test. They are the equivalent of a Jackson Pollack painting, where stuff is simply flung against a wall and people are left scratching their heads, trying to figure out what it means.

Conservatives point out that as late as 2014, Donald Trump was supporting liberal Democrats. In 2006, when Democrats were trying to take over the Senate and House, Donald Trump was bankrolling them. In 2010, when the Tea Party movement was trying to defeat Nevada Senator Harry Reid, Donald Trump was writing Reid checks.

For conservatives, enough is enough.

A few weeks ago, Trump was at one of his infamous rallies. Between protesters being beaten at the rally, Trump asked his followers to raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him. The creepy factor for this was simply off the charts. Perhaps in the narcissistically insane world of Donald Trump, he expects a pledge of allegiance to him. In America, real Americans pledge allegiance to the nation and its constitution. Americans do not pledge their loyalty to a would be “dear leader.”

If Donald Trump likes pledges so much, here is one. I pledge that under no circumstances will I vote for Donald Trump.

This is not simply a statement I am making. This is a statement millions of conservatives are making.

Donald Trump could actually end up being a worse candidate than Mitt Romney was in 2012. Trump has sustained his campaign through his cult of personality, rather than any serious campaign strategy. That works great when the media is propping the campaign up. What happens when the media turns on Trump after the GOP convention?

The answer is Trump loses.

Conservatives are not going to support Trump this fall. When the media starts a non-stop barrage of Trump’s insane comments? His negatives are already higher than Hillary Clinton’s. In short, it is impossible for Trump to win the White House.

It is time for the GOP to stop Donald Trump. The party has a good candidate in Ted Cruz. If the party does not stop Donald Trump now, there may never be another Republican in the White House.

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