- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Harry Reid is firing a warning shot to all Democrats celebrating Donald Trump’s path to the Republican presidential nomination: Don’t underestimate him.

“Never, ever, ever underestimate Trump,” Mr. Reid, an Nevada Democrat told Politico Wednesday. “No one should do that. I tried, others have tried. He’s a hard guy to predict. One of the most unorthodox candidates for the presidency in modern times. Certainly in modern times, post-modern times. A real unusual deal we have here.”

After winning the Arizona primary by double-digits, Mr. Trump has the easiest path of any of his competitors to win the Republican nomination. Democrats have been cheering for Mr. Trump to win,predicting Hillary Clinton will wipe the floor with him in the general election, and that Mr. Trump being at the top of the ticket will put Republican majorities in both the House and Senate in jeopardy.

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer said a Trump nomination “looks like a tremendous opportunity for Democrats,” after Trump swept four of five contests on March 15. He added: “Donald Trump won’t make America great again but he will make the Republicans the minority again.”

But not so fast, Democrats.

What Mr. Trump has been doing is bringing in and energizing new voters within the Republican electorate. Already about 18 million people have voted in the Republican primaries or caucus – nearing as many who voted in the 2008 and 2012 contests.

Mr. Trump also has the potential to scatter the electoral map – putting the Rust Belt states, again at play for Republicans, through his connection to white, middle-class voters. Mr. Trump himself has said he can win New York – a solidly blue state – and Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan and Virginia.

Asked about how Mr. Trump could reshape the electorate, Mr. Reid told Politico his party should brace for how unpredictable an election could be with Mr. Trump leading it.


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