- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren torched businessman Donald Trump on Twitter Monday, calling him a “wannabe tyrant,” who bases his campaign on “racism, sexism, xenophobia & hatred.”

It’s the kind of tough talk a vice presidential contender usually unleashes in the general election — undoubtedly stoking further talk Warren is gunning for the position. MSNBC host Mika Brzezinkski predicted Friday that Ms. Warren is positioning herself to be Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Ms. Warren skipped the 2016 presidential race and is playing coy with her endorsement. When she was pressed on the issue on CBS last week, she said both Mrs. Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are putting up a good fight and talking about issues that affect the American people. That was it.

Then on Monday she unleashed her fury at Mr. Trump, the GOP presidential front-runner.

“The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure @realDonaldTrump ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it,” Ms. Warren tweeted.

“@RealDonaldTrump knows he’s a loser,” Ms. Warren wrote. “His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism.”

Mr. Trump, being ever the counter-puncher, fought back, referring to Ms. Warren as the “Indian” at a news conference Monday.

“Who is that, the Indian? You mean the Indian?” Trump asked a reporter, who questioned him on Ms. Warren’s Twitter tirade.

In an interview with The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published Sunday, Mr. Trump also gave reference to Ms. Warren’s criticisms of him saying: “I think it’s wonderful because the Indians can now partake in the future of the country. She’s got about as much Indian blood as I have.”

Game on.

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