- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 22, 2016


So a Washington Post editor has claimed she was hit on by GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Or something like that. He called her “beautiful.” Or maybe not.

Mr. Trump met with The Washington Post editorial board on Monday, which Karen Attiah, who is a deputy digital editor, attended. In her own words:

“As the meeting ended and we were walking out of the room, I thanked Trump for taking my question. He turned to me and said, ’I really hope I answered your question,’ and added casually with a smile, ’Beautiful.’ I was stunned,” Ms. Attiah wrote of the encounter.

Ms. Attiah had to immediately retreat to a safe space, she was so taken aback.

“I stayed in the conference room for a few minutes as it sunk in that the potential GOP nominee for president thought it was OK to comment on my appearance,” she wrote. “Did he just say that?”

But maybe he didn’t.

Mr. Trump defended himself saying the “beautiful” comment was in reference to the fact he answered her question. Interesting, and a possibility.

I was not there (obviously), but this appears to be another instance of a female journalist inserting herself in a story to either a) prove a narrative she already believes to be true, that Mr. Trump is a misogynist; or b) help give her a little fame or publicity.

Perhaps it’s neither.

I’m not excusing Mr. Trump’s behavior, if indeed, he was referencing her looks. Mr. Trump should know and do better. But if the encounter was that offensive, someone other than Ms. Attiah should’ve written it up because, from her own words, she was too shaken to be objective.

Unless, that is, objectivity is not an objective.

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