- Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The GOP loves to boast about how much room it has under its ’big tent,’ but from the outside, where the individual voter stands looking in, all that’s visible is a herd of big RINO behinds — and not a whole lot of room for John Q. Republican.

When President George Washington was offered a third term, he turned it down because he didn’t believe a citizen should become a professional politician. Using our first Founding Father as a role model, eight years in a public office should be enough for any citizen. Any member of the Senate who accepts a third term or more to perch on his or her lofty roost, and any member of Congress who has been feathering a comfy little nest on Capitol Hill longer than eight years is responsible for his or her political party’s bloated, porcine conditions. Americans are finally waking up to the fact that these long-serving career politicians are more of a bane than a boon to our republic.

Donald Trump’s arrival on the scene was due in large part to the unresponsive Republican Party itself, which had allowed and encouraged its senators and congressmen to conduct party business with a big-labor-union-like seniority system. Climb the ladder, then wait in line for your turn to hold the reins of power. In panic, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and other party insiders begged Mr. Trump to sign a loyalty pledge, to not make a third-party run should he lose the nomination. Mr. Trump had his doubts about the GOP holding to their end of the deal, but he complied — and now that it appears he might win the nomination, the Republican ruling class is laying plans to renege on its agreement. That alone should tell everyone in America that the party of President Abraham Lincoln has become such a rigged game that it is in serious need of an overhaul.

It was a sad state of American affairs when the Democrats abandoned the American working man and woman and began championing the proletariat, but it is sadder still when the last Americans who still believe in our republic cannot find sanctuary under that ’big tent’ of the Republican Party.


Columbia, S.C.

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