- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 15, 2016

An editorial published Tuesday in China’s government-run “Global Times” mocks the U.S. electoral process over GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s rise, saying his candidacy has “opened a Pandora’s box” for America and exposed the inherent risks of democracy. 

“Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, a heavy lesson for Western democracy,” the editorial says. “Now, most analysts believe the US election system will stop Trump from being president eventually. The process will be scary but not dangerous.” 

The Global Times blasted Mr. Trump for his harsh rhetoric, calling him a entertaining clown. 

“Trump’s rise was not anticipated by most analysts and observers. At the beginning of the election, Trump, a rich, narcissist and inflammatory candidate, was only treated as an underdog. His job was basically to act as a clown to attract more voters’ attention to the GOP. However, knocking down most other promising candidates, the clown is now the biggest dark horse,” the editorial says. 

It adds that Mr. Trump’s ascent has worried the rest of the world because it has been so chaotic. 

“The rise of a racist in the US political arena worries the whole world. Usually, the tempo of the evolution of US politics can be predicted, while Trump’s ascent indicates all possibilities and unpredictability,” it said. 

The editorial sized up the anger that has fueled Mr. Trump’s voter base.

“The rise of Trump has opened a Pandora’s box in US society. Trump’s supporters are mostly lower-class whites, and they lost a lot after the 2008 financial crisis. The US used to have the largest and most stable middle class in the Western world, but many are going down.

“That’s when Trump emerged. Big-mouthed, anti-traditional, abusively forthright, he is a perfect populist that could easily provoke the public,” the editorial says. “Despite candidates’ promises, Americans know elections cannot really change their lives. Then, why not support Trump and vent their spleen?”

The Chinese paper said that, even if Mr. Trump loses the election, the damage to the U.S. image on the world stage has already been done. 

Even if Trump is simply a false alarm, the impact has already left a dent. The US faces the prospect of an institutional failure, which might be triggered by a growing mass of real-life problems,” it said.  

“The US had better watch itself for not being a source of destructive forces against world peace, more than pointing fingers at other countries for their so-called nationalism and tyranny.”

• Kellan Howell can be reached at khowell@washingtontimes.com.

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