- The Washington Times - Monday, March 14, 2016

Donald Trump has won the endorsement of Phyllis Schlafly, the second grande dame of American conservatism to support the Republican presidential nomination front-runner.

Mrs. Schlafly, a leader of a national movement of conservative women for more than 50 years, joined Faith Whittlesey, another longtime conservative activist and leader, in publicly backing the businessman and reality TV star.

Author of the 1964 pro-Barry Goldwater book “A Choice Not an Echo” and founder of both the Eagle Forum and the Republican National Coalition for Life, Mrs. Schlafly on Sunday praised Mr. Trump for his stands on trade, immigration and judicial appointment commitments, as well as on his promise to support the 2012 GOP platform which she helped fashion.

“I asked Donald Trump to support the Republican platform because this is the best and most conservative platform we’ve ever had,” Mrs. Schlafly said. “I gave him one of my copies of the 2012 platform. He endorses it and I believe he will stand by it.

“I am confident that Donald Trump will stand up against bad trade deals, reform bad immigration policies, and appoint constitutionalist judges like Antonin Scalia,” she said Friday in a statement of support.

“We have been stuck with the losers chosen by the Republican establishment for so long, and it’s time for a change,” Mrs. Schlafly added. “Now we have a guy who is going to lead us to victory!”

Last month, Mr. Trump won the support of Mrs. Whittlesey, who served twice as President Reagan’s ambassador to Switzerland and as head of his White House Liaison Office.

Mrs. Whittlesey, like Mrs. Schlafly, has sided with Republicans like Pat Buchanan and now Mr. Trump who emphasize “fair trade” in international trade agreements.

• Ralph Z. Hallow can be reached at rhallow@gmail.com.

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