- The Washington Times - Friday, June 24, 2016

Radio host Rush Limbaugh told his millions of listeners on Friday that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union was a giant blow to the cronyism of global elites.

British Prime Minister David Cameron announced an October resignation after 52 percent of his countrymen voted to split from the EU. Mr. Limbaugh said efforts to cast the referendum as the result of xenophobia and bigotry are wrong. Instead, he said patient Brits are “rising up against the ruling class and the elites and — make no mistake about it — cronyism.”

“It’s taken a while, but people have finally figured out what [Donald] Trump is talking about, that things are rigged. And even if they’re not specifically able to point out situation by situation, it’s inescapable by virtue of living your life that there is a rigged game going on that you’re not allowed to play.”

The conservative commentator said the EU exists on many levels so powerful that individuals can “grease the skids for their own existence” at the expense of the middle class.

“It’s exclusionary. It’s almost a caste system. You have the upper class — and this is a big difference from the way it used to be. Even in this country and even in Great Britain, even in the days of aristocracy,” Mr. Limbaugh said.

The host said lawmakers and anti-Brexit media outlets would spend the next two years trying to find a way to derail the will of voters, but that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome in 1.1 million refugees from the Middle East and North Africa in 2015 “opened everybody’s eyes.”

SEE ALSO: Michael Moore begs EU after U.K Brexit vote: ‘Take us! We want what Europe has’

“There were some on the fence about immigration. Immigration is one of these issues that you can be easily guilted. You can be guilt-tripped into supporting it,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “Somebody hears that you’re opposed to it, and they call you a name. They call you a bigot or a xenophobe or a nationalist or a populist or a racist or what have you. And it’s designed to intimidate you into shutting up and not expressing your views on this. And for the longest time, those practices worked, and they’ve worked in the country as well. But there’s always a tipping point.”

Mr. Cameron forced back tears on Friday while discussing his future plans in the wake of the referendum.

“The British people have made the very clear decision to take a different path and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction,” he said during a televised address from 10 Downing Street.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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