- Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Daniel Gallington’s “The lie that is Hillary” (Web, June 19) provides an excellent summary of Hillary Clinton’s “public service” career, and is especially enlightening for the low-information voter. Mr. Gallington answers the question of why the Clintons didn’t return to Arkansas by accurately stating that returning would have been the financial and political end for the Clintons.

In reading Mr. Gallington’s piece, I was reminded of a mission trip I took to Arkansas in 2014. While in a book store in Little Rock, I asked the manager why there were hundreds of copies of Mrs. Clinton’s book stacked up in the store and marked down 40 percent, but only three copies of Ben Carson’s book. She replied that she couldn’t sell copies of Mrs. Clinton’s book even at a steep discount, but she couldn’t keep Dr. Carson’s book in stock at full price. She noted that folks in Arkansas “already knew the lies, the infidelities, and the dirty politics that was the Clintons,” and that they didn’t need further “Clinton BS” for confirmation. She also noted the irony of Dr. Carson outselling a Clinton in the Deep South. What does that say about the Clintons?



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