- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 2, 2016

“If the race for president comes down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Trump could benefit from an edge in public confidence on the issues Americans are prioritizing most this election,” notes Lydia Saad, a Gallup analyst, where a new poll finds Mr. Trump better able to handle to handle the economy, jobs, terrorism and national security, taxes, the federal government, gun policy and Wall Street. Mrs. Clinton has the edge in education, health care, immigration, treatment of minority groups, distribution of income, social issues and climate change.

The survey asked Americans to rate the importance of prominent national issues, then judge whether Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump would best handle each issue.

“On average, 75 percent of Americans rate the eight issues Trump leads on as extremely or very important to their vote, slightly higher than the 67 percent who rate the eight issues Clinton leads on,” Ms. Saad says, adding, “More Americans prefer Trump than Clinton to handle the issues of utmost importance to voters this fall — the economy in general as well as employment and jobs, specifically.”


Much of the press was quick to condemn Donald Trump’s recent feisty press conference, which included updates about his donations to military charities — and several choice descriptions for the press, “dishonest” and “shameful” among them. Retaliatory headlines and commentary followed from major news organizations.

“The media were right to ask questions about Trump’s distribution of funds to veterans groups,” writes Brent Bozell — founder of the Media Research Center, a conservative press watchdog — in a new op-ed. “But hold the righteous indignation, folks. This is a press corps that has absolutely refused to hold Obama accountable for anything. Think: IRS, VA, Solyndra, Fast and Furious and so many other scandals) while also refusing to investigate any clouds swirling around Hillary Clinton (think: Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, email scandals, etc.”

SEE ALSO: Clinton: Electing Trump would be ‘historic mistake,’ GOP candidate would lead U.S. into war

“Indeed, it’s a courtesy reserved for both Clintons, going back to the very beginning of their national careers. Think: Whitewater, Filegate, Troopergate, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, to name but a few unsolved mysteries because no one in the press wanted to investigate them,” Mr. Bozell continued. “When the media begin to ask serious questions of Hillary Clinton, then and only then will they have the right to pass judgment on Donald Trump.”


California’s primary is Tuesday, along with New Jersey, New Mexico, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have primaries this weekend. A significant new Field Poll of likely California primary voters finds 45 percent favor Hillary Clinton, 43 percent Sen. Bernard Sanders. So the delegate panic is on. And California is the arena of choice.

Mr. Clinton will be in Balboa Park, El Centro and Perris. Husband Bill Clinton will have a spate of his own events to attend. The ever-tenacious Mr. Sanders will be in Cloverdale, Modesto, Fairfield and Chico.

Meanwhile, a new CNN “Poll of Polls” — which averages results from five major surveys — reveals Mrs. Clinton with 45 percent of the support, Republican rival Donald Trump with 43 percent. The findings “suggest a vastly different race than many anticipated,” noted CNN polling director Jennifer Agiesta. And Mr. Trump? After visits to Sacramento and San Jose, he’s bound for Redding — his rallies now formally titled “Donald J. Trump for President.”


SEE ALSO: Justice Dept.: Mail-fraud scheme bilked elderly out of $18 million a year

Behold, it’s the “Polaris United personal suite.” The new “re-imagined, sleep-enhancing” business-class seating on United Airlines international flights are meant to make lousy travel a “relic of the past,” and the seat reclines flat into a 6-foot, 6-inch bed.

“Crafted as individual, forward-facing, suite-like pods, each customer’s personal suite will feature a ’Do Not Disturb’ sign, mood lighting, one-touch lumbar support, several storage areas, multiple surfaces for simultaneous working and dining and a 16-inch high-definition entertainment screen,” the airline says. Custom pajamas, duvets, gel-cooled pillows and “calming lavender pillow mist” are available on request.



Well, you never know. The MacArthur Foundation is offering a $100 million grant “to help solve a critical problem of our time.” This is the same group that gives those very generous “genius grants” to big thinkers — and they offer these broad guidelines: “Open to organizations working in any field of endeavor anywhere. Applicants must identify both the problem they are trying to solve, as well as their proposed solution. Competitive proposals will be meaningful, verifiable, durable and feasible.”

“Solving society’s most pressing problems isn’t easy, but we believe it can be done,” says MacArthur President Julia Stasch.

Somebody’s got to win this. Check out the particulars here: 100andchange.org


For sale: Vintage 1928 lakefront cottage on two acres in Hancock, New Hampshire. Three bedrooms, two baths, 761 square feet; 34-foot dock on Lake Nubanisit with boathouse, 200 feet of frontage. Fireplace, eat-in kitchen, living room, original wood floors and framing, wood shingle exterior, enclosed porch, multiple mature pine trees, lake and mountain views, private road; close to ski resort. Can be renovated or redeveloped. Priced at $859,500 through PetersonsRealEstate.com; find the home here


71 percent of registered U.S. voters think that if elected, Donald Trump will try to place a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S., as he promised during his campaign.

64 percent of voters think Mr. Trump will try to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, as promised.

63 percent of voters think Mr. Trump will try to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, as promised.

36 percent of voters think that if elected, Hillary Clinton will try to “rein in the power of Wall Street,” as she promised during her campaign.

27 percent of voters think Mrs. Clinton will try to “remove secret money from politics,” as promised.

Source: A Quinnipiac University National Poll of 1,561 registered U.S. voters conducted May 24-30.

Hopeful chatter, squawks and bleats to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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